knabe said:QMC said:I asked the DOT officer if they were concerned about the revenue they would lose by people avoiding Iowa. He said "No, we don't care about that."
duh, they care about the job security from all the infrastructure and compliance industry. there's way more revenue from that and votes from that from redistribution of wealth activities and funneling of taxes into government pay and union dues to the democrat party.
you have to look at it from a spreadsheet basis and where the money comes from. probably the smallest revenue generation is from the actual ticket itself.
i wonder how many transfers into DOT from regular police forces there are.
until voters start going after politicians to streamline some of this stuff, the velocity of a new law will keep decreasing. right now a new law is written every 13 minutes.
the public simply refuses to vote for anyone who will take any revenue away from anyone except the people who pay taxes that isn't funneled through a government job whose entire salary, benefits and taxes are paid for by the taxpayer.
the inevitable is more until even the interest on the debt can not be paid and needs to be refinanced with some new vehicle which can be traded as a commodity and no one will go to jail for creating it or benefiting from it, just like the housing crisis government employees, hint, the clinton administration for starting it, the bush administration for continuing and congress for forcing it to happen.
I think your on to something..