What's Wrong With This

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Dusty said:
DL said:
farwest said:
  u people think these 4-h calves are stressed probably are idiots, 

Does calling people who disagree with you idiots make your feel big and important and special? Can't you be just a titch civil or is that asking too much?

This is a good article on principles of low stress handling

I guess when i grew up if I said or did something blatantly stupid i was called a lot worse than an idiot......

Ahh that explains it - the walnut doesn't fall too far from whatever uncouth tree that spawned it - now I understand


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
DL said:
Dusty said:
DL said:
farwest said:
  u people think these 4-h calves are stressed probably are idiots, 

Does calling people who disagree with you idiots make your feel big and important and special? Can't you be just a titch civil or is that asking too much?

This is a good article on principles of low stress handling

I guess when i grew up if I said or did something blatantly stupid i was called a lot worse than an idiot......

Ahh that explains it - the walnut doesn't fall too far from whatever uncouth tree that spawned it - now I understand
now that's what i like to see, someone getting a little upset on this board, too much of this nice guy stuff patsy back stuff on this board, let's just tell it like it exactly is and how we really feel.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
DL said:
Dusty said:
DL said:
farwest said:
  u people think these 4-h calves are stressed probably are idiots, 

Does calling people who disagree with you idiots make your feel big and important and special? Can't you be just a titch civil or is that asking too much?

This is a good article on principles of low stress handling

I guess when i grew up if I said or did something blatantly stupid i was called a lot worse than an idiot......

Ahh that explains it - the walnut doesn't fall too far from whatever uncouth tree that spawned it - now I understand

All I was saying is that I grew up in a no nonsense household where if you messed up it was definitely brought to your attention!  It worked too because you didn't mess up too many times after awhile...

Ya know, it takes some of pretty piss poor character to insult someones family on a cattle forum....
But, if acorns don't fall far from trees I would have to imagine whoever raised you was one uptight, know it all, B I T C H!!!!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
DL said:
farwest said:
  u people think these 4-h calves are stressed probably are idiots, 

Does calling people who disagree with you idiots make your feel big and important and special? Can't you be just a titch civil or is that asking too much?

This is a good article on principles of low stress handling
I have been reading these boards for over six years.  I am sorry,  I don't  know if I can count on one hand the times I have read a thread of yours and thought you were very civil!



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Dusty said:
DL said:
Dusty said:
DL said:
farwest said:
  u people think these 4-h calves are stressed probably are idiots, 

Does calling people who disagree with you idiots make your feel big and important and special? Can't you be just a titch civil or is that asking too much?

This is a good article on principles of low stress handling

I guess when i grew up if I said or did something blatantly stupid i was called a lot worse than an idiot......

Ahh that explains it - the walnut doesn't fall too far from whatever uncouth tree that spawned it - now I understand

All I was saying is that I grew up in a no nonsense household where if you messed up it was definitely brought to your attention!  It worked too because you didn't mess up too many times after awhile...

Ya know, it takes some of pretty piss poor character to insult someones family on a cattle forum....
But, if acorns don't fall far from trees I would have to imagine whoever raised you was one uptight, know it all, B I T C H!!!!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Dusty..you sound like a manly man and a intellectual giant.....however KNOWING what the cooler setting should be concerns me.Also there is a place for rough tough talk(feedlot,football field,battle field or whatever) but not sure it should occur here...unless you are losing an argument.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
OK everyone. This started as a topic that had excellent merit. somehow it's turned into a thread w/ name calling.
I disagree w/ many things that people post here. But I hope I've never stooped to the point of calling someone an idiot or worse.
Express your opinions, argue if you have to but remember kids read this & we don't need them to think it's OK to call someone a name if we disagree.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
CAB said:
   Snap Cathy. Just when it was beginning to get fun & interesting. LOL. Brent

Brent- I'm in a cranky mood. I have a big bump above my right eye from a fall, the heart doctor said I have to wear one of those stupid event monitors for a month & hubby is banning the kitten from the house. Oh also, I just about ready to go over the hill. Also Gene's sale is offically out for me. So I'm ready to ruin everyone's fun!  (argue)

I just don't like name calling from anyone or to anyone. We've tried to run a tight ship but sometimes people's passion gets in the way.
Brent- you can always come here & kick KK. It really releaves stress!  ;) (please no one think that I actually kick the cat! It would probably break a toe doing it anyway)


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I was going to stay out of this, but I will not tolerate someone a s s  calling a friend of mine a name. (It apprently is ok to cuss as long as you space it out....children must not be smart enough to put the letters together.)

Some on this board must suffer from "llittle person syndrome" in life. They are nothing in the real world so must feel the need to "appear larger than life' on a board that is annonomous. I know for a fact there are imposters and flat out liers on this board. Several go under different names, playing two personalities, several have sold "thousands of dollars from a cow" when they have been kicked out of their assoc and have gone bankrupt, some appear older than they are using professional names when in fact they are troubled children. I can only imagine what happens that I have not figured out due to the lack of caring.
This board has deteriorated to the point of being worse than the election. No real facts, numbers being fudged, and none of the people in power has the  b a l l s to do anything about it. I do not know who to be more dissappointed over, the low life people that have to cuss and degrade others to feel powerful and all knowing, or the people that are suppose to control that and do not.

So 6M, nice going....you try and bring up a subject that was just to "adult" for this board. Maybe we need to go back to "how to grow hair", "what bull should I breed my hfr to (all info unknown)", and all that all important issue: "what about cosmetic surgury for calves".



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Show Heifer said:
This board has deteriorated to the point of being worse than the election. No real facts, numbers being fudged, and none of the people in power has the  b a l l s to do anything about it. I do not know who to be more dissappointed over, the low life people that have to cuss and degrade others to feel powerful and all knowing, or the people that are suppose to control that and do not.

Show Hef, I have done something about it. Not sure why you want to kick me when I've stood up for you. I was sick yesterday but jumped on ASAP this morning.

Explain to me what more needs done.

topic is now locked. I think everyone needs to realize that they fan the fire by always having to make one more comment.

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