When the country goes to hell...

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Where will the last place to go be???

I 've been listening to all the doom and gloom on the radio today and then Jamie Fred(Freddy) called me about some eggs, anyways Jamie is located in north central nebraska pretty much as far away from civiliaztion as you can get while still being able to get cell phone coverage(barely).

So I thought when the country goes to hell Jamie's neck of the woods will probably be the last place to go, if it goes at all.

I'm curious to everyones thoughts on this.

The pic is the sign by the highway when you turn off to head to the ranch...


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
We used to think the same thing growing up in Western Nebraska in the 80's, during the cold war era.  Unfortunately for us, the government also thought it would be the last place on earth anyone would bomb, so they put dozens of missile silos in our back yard.  Not literally, but close enough to make great targets.  Thank god nothing happened, we all lived, and now I believe many of those silos are empty these days, but still a very ominous sight at the time.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Dusty said:
I'm curious to everyones thoughts on this.

stupid is as stupid does.

but remember, we need to use honey when talking to people who want to destroy a way of life.  it's just so effective.

remember, all it takes is one complaint or slip up to get scapegoated as always being negative and no atta boys cause pointing that out would invalidate stereotyping.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
My favorite road sign is located in Northern Montana near Scobey, Montana. It reads.... End of the earth 10 miles, Scobey Montana  14 miles. I have seen it for years and I still laugh every time I see it.

At the time of 911, I was thinking where I live was a pretty safe place to live. Then I remembered that My farm is about 140 miles from Minot ND... and the US air force base at Minot houses the second largest number of atomic weapons in the US. I got to thinking that if that place was ever hit by terrorists, the mushroom cloud would probably be right over our farm.... I began to wonder if there is any real safe place left , but then, I was always told that you should " bloom where you were planted". I decided to worry about the things that I have some control over, and forget about the others.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I've often wondered about a situation in say Denver or KC where a dirty bomb or some kind of killer virus becomes a issue. If there was a breakdown in law and order? Say the Denver situation. What happens if a million people would flee out on to the plains or mountains and say food and shelter became a problem. I'm not a real big guy on guns but I've been thinking about getting a couple pieces. Most people help each other out but what happens if a gang of hungry people go into a mob or riot mode? I do know what the liberal press headline would be. "World to end today......Women and minorities to be hit the hardest!" Who would have thought the "Rodney King riot" would have esculated like it did? Is it possible that a "Red Dawn" situation could occur. If you are in trouble I doubt that Nancy Pelossee will be able to help you in this kind of situation.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
I've often wondered about a situation in say Denver or KC where a dirty bomb or some kind of killer virus becomes a issue.

how about this scenario?  i'm pretty much convinced we have already given up on halting iran's nuclear program and are looking for "small" victories such as a palestinian state without the fatah or hamas changing their charter, and if they do, whether they mean it.  basically, all 57 muslim nations should state Israel has a right to exist.  maybe the libs don't really see a negative with a nuclear armed iran.  if deployed, it would curb growth, and therefore global warming.


Mr. Morgenthau also noted that the material shipped by LIMMT "included 15,000 kilograms of a specialized aluminum alloy used almost exclusively in long-range missile production; 1,700 kilograms of graphite cylinders used for banned electrical discharge machines which are used in converting uranium; more than 30,000 kilograms of tungsten-copper plates; 200 pieces of tungsten-copper alloy hollow cylinders, all used for missiles; 19,000 kilograms of tungsten metal powder, and 24,500 kilograms of maraging steel rods . . . especially hardened steel suitable for long-range missiles."

Lest anyone think that these materials may have innocent uses, Mr. Morgenthau added that "we have consulted with top experts in the field from MIT and from private industry and from the CIA. . . . Frankly, some of the people we've consulted are shocked by the sophistication of the equipment they're buying."

Mr. Morgenthau's information is corroborated by a staff report for the Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Democrat John Kerry, which notes that Iran is making nuclear progress on all fronts, and that it "could produce enough weapons-grade material for a bomb within six months." The committee also notes that "Iran is operating a broad network of front organizations," and that authorities suspect "some purchases for Iran's nuclear and missile programs may have come through an elaborate ruse to avoid U.S. financial sanctions on dealing with Iranian banks."

As we've reported, Lloyds bank entered into a deferred prosecution agreement in January with Mr. Morgenthau's office in which it admitted to a $300 million "stripping" scheme designed to hide the Iranian origin of banking transfers from 2001 to 2004. Several other banks are also in the crosshairs of Mr. Morgenthau and the Justice Department.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2007
Dusty said:
Where will the last place to go be???

I 've been listening to all the doom and gloom on the radio today and then Jamie Fred(Freddy) called me about some eggs, anyways Jamie is located in north central nebraska pretty much as far away from civiliaztion as you can get while still being able to get cell phone coverage(barely).

So I thought when the country goes to hell Jamie's neck of the woods will probably be the last place to go, if it goes at all.

I'm curious to everyones thoughts on this.

The pic is the sign by the highway when you turn off to head to the ranch...

Change your radio station man!!!  The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day!!!!  ;)


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Exactly. And tomorrow is Friday. And 5 o'clock will come. And the beer will be cold.  Oh and trust in the lord.  Or obama. Whichever you choose.  Its gonna be great.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
Syracuse, IN

I'm from north central indiana and we head out to iowa/nebraska every fall in mid october. we swung thru Freds(if you can call it "swung thru"... more like ventured out to) this past fall to drop off a few calves, and i can say, with confidence, that yes that would probly be the safest place to travel to  "when the country goes to hell".... i think my first reaction when seeing that sign in real life was "you gotta be kidding me"....  I would say the next safest place would be Wood Lake, NE... went out there looking at calves 1 time too....and we had 0 cell phone service....


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Just over a week ago, I returned from a trip into ND, SD, Iowa,and Nebraska... and if 0 cell phone service is a indicator of the safest place to be... then you have your choice of several places in all those states!


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
Oakville, ON. Canada
I have just returned from seven days at my outpost camp 700kms from Oakville in Northern Ontario
No hydro except my solar system, no TV, no Cell phone, not many visitors except wildlife.
Nice lake and good fishing.
Definately paradise
Hopefully if all hell breaks loose no one will find me.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
Hey someone should ask Farwest how his cell service is, I took a trip from Mullen to one of his neighbor's an almost threw my phone in the ditch , cause chance of ever using it again did't look to good . An I remember my son's first visit to  Rocking J to get calves for his sister an he was seven year's old , we were 50 mile's south of Valentine an still going an it occured to Stoney ( where do these people eat at ) he was in good hand's cause Delores an Jerry knew how to treat you very well, if I remember right they even fed the mailman when he was on his route sometime's .


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Well here in a county of 1000 square miles with only 400 people, no cell service isn't too good.  Were not high priority.  Can't blame em.  Maybe it'll keep the quacks from ever wanting to move here.. (clapping)


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
A few years ago, I sold some bulls to  a rancher south west of where I live, in Saskatchewan along the Montana border. He told me that within 35 miles of him, in any direction,there were only 5 people living... and four of them lived in the same house he did ( his wife, his two children and himself). The other person was a bachelor who lived 22 miles from him. He said they had to drive over 70 miles to buy a can of Coke ( or any other pop) and groceries and other household supplies came from a town almost 90 miles away.Their mail was delivered to a rural postal box about 30 miles from the ranch.

I asked him where he had met his wife when you live that isolated from the outside world. He said he simply drove to the closest ranch to him ( in Montana) and courted the oldest daughter of the ranch owners. He said it really was pretty simple, as she had about the same number of men to chose from as he had of women. They home schooled their children until grade 10 then sent them away to a college to finish their education.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
Sun River, MT
justintime said:
I decided to worry about the things that I have some control over, and forget about the others.

i've grown to learn that when one wants a change (because everyone always wants a change for the better at some point in time) and you aren't sure where to go, the best place is the Good Book.  when i was younger and a lot less wise, i'd usually found my self 'out on the town' with my friends and sometimes, even enjoying my own company.  JIT probably has experience with what establishments in rural Montana towns I am referencing. (one of those was known as Katy's Wildlife Sanctuary...I have a shirt from there of the same sort, Choteau, MT 10 miles - End of the Earth 14 miles - Bynum, MT 18 miles)  i still find myself there once in a while, but not at the frequency as when we were in college.

one statement my friend makes on a fairly regualr basis is, "man, i wish this was like the third grade and we could have a 'do-over'."  it always makes me laugh, although i am thankful for the life the Lord has given me.  we make our own choices and there are some that i'd have rather not experienced.

please remember those who have made your life easier than it might be otherwise, and if you are one of those that has protected us...Thank You.  <hero>



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.

It was a tuff time - the last of the drafted -- the last to go -- some of the last to come home -- and deffinately -- sadly -- the very last to forget (Trying to)

My place of solitude is - as well -- out in the woods with the cows or on top of a good horse watching those very same cows. They take the pain away for a time -- God's creatures for us all to enjoy.

This country has some issues now, but we are FREE, and I thank that to every single person who has ever fought for her -- the USA.
