I guess I don't post as often as I used to either. It's different SP without Red and now that the presidential election is over that seems to have taken away some traffic as well. Two of the other gals I used to tease quite a bit on SP(Justamom and Justme) don't seem to post as much either. I hope everything is going well for them now and it gets nothing but better from here on out. Cowboy--keep talking, we're listening! Everybody else just drop in and say hello if you don't have a lot of time--great debates are fine--but theres nothing wrong with just saying HI!!
We all know that the last several months have been trying from the standpoint of the economy, livestock markets, etc. I'm sure the SP folks have not been immune to companies downsizing, layoffs, salary and benefit cuts, 401k and IRA values plummeting, etc. All of these things can be quite depressing. Meanwhile, the show cattle industry seems to be sorting itself out into an extremely high priced top end and a barely profitable(for most producers) low end without as many calves being sold in between as in recent history. In most families, showing cattle or raising show cattle is a hobby and as the finances within the family get tighter tough decisions have to be made.
To everyone caught up in this maelstrom(pretty much all of us on SP) I hope that we can stay positive thinking and keep our goals focused in the right areas. Its great to hear about the steers and heifers that sell for $30-50K, but in reality most of us will never sell or buy one in that range and so we need to focus on the friendships and relationships that we can build in the industry and how much we can help the young people in it.
I hear there's a lot of young people that lurk on SP--at least that's what my daughters tell me!! We'd like to hear from you with ideas on what you would like to see from SP--after all you're the future of the site and you can contribute a lot.
To all my SP friends---Keep your chin up and your wheels turning!! We'll see ya down the road!!!