Where will you move to if...... (not cattle related)

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the one's who keep voting for bailout after bailout?  470 billion or so last night.  the list of republicans that have a scintilla of conservativsm in them is pathetically slim, but, that's what america wants, and when the left grabs the pendulum and takes away guns for our own good just like in louisiana, the left will scream for more.  reminds me of planet of the apes.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
You are right. Just trying to tick Lana off. ;D

not worth the effort.  she's a good egg.

i'd worry about relative demographics and population bubbles bursting and where they will go to outvote founding documents first.

europe can not survive more than 30-50 years with their birth rate.  it's amazing, teaching demographic suicide is far more effective than war.  america is right on the fulcrum, which is why we supposedly need immigration to pay for our pyramid scheme of benefits.  too bad it will lead to the dismantling of the constitution.  of course the left will say it's still the constitution, even though everything in it will be eliminated.  we've got a pretty good head start from both the left and the right on it right now.