A great resource is your local NRCS office.
We put a lot of money into weed control, and frankly, that investment is what's going to see us through this winter without having to sell off our cows. We still have standing forage despite the terrible drought we're in. Pasture spraying pays when times are bad, not when they are good. The work we did the past three years is paying for itself many times over.
I'm a big believer in a product called GrazonNext. It's a strong 2,4-D mixture with another active ingredient that gives you a much longer residual effect than straight 2,4-D. We use that in conjuction with a wetting agent. We spary in late spring/early summer. Chemical costs come out to just under $10/acre putting it out ourselves.
We also use Remedy for mesquite control, but that isn't a problem in your area.