Who Made Who?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Arion, Iowa
I have heard rumors in teh past taht when you buy Who made who semen that its actualyl semen from a son of who is this true?
Just wonderign if you were to breed some cows woudl you breed to "who made who" or to "Who 2" the clone?

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
Here's what I would tell you.  Look at the straw of semen and know where it was collected and frozen.  The reputable bull studs have stringent codes that they have to follow.  They are not about to lie or fudge about what semen goes into a straw. Even the owners of those bulls don't have enough political pull to get a reputable semen company to risk their license and business on something like that. If you still question this, call up several bull studs and ask them what keeps them from doing something like that. What I have seen happen is that somebody has semen from two or three different clones in their tank along with semen from the original bull.  They may think that they pulled out a straw of the original bull but actuallly stuck a straw of the clone in thier female.  Every time somebody besides yourself opens your semen tank you stand a chance of having your inventory mixed up in one way or another.  I have even seen guys that will stick a couple of different straws of semen in the same cane because they bought one of this and one of that.  There are a million ways semen can get mixed up but it would be almost impossible for semen from one bull to get placed into the wrong straw at the bull stud.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I agree with what Juli is saying.  I'm guessing what you are hearing is someone saying that the calf is out of Who but it was really out of the clone.  I don't think you see this happen much with Who because he is so cheap, I think you see this more with Heat Wave than anything else and it isn't done by an error or mistake, it's just calling one a Heat Wave that isn't.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
1- There is a genetic difference between a "son of Who" and Who. You would know if it was who or a "son of Who"
2- If it is a clone how would you know genetically if it was the clone or Who himself.
3- Announcement on websight Who died recently so, I would say it is likely you had the original Who not a clone


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Northwood, Iowa
Matt Lautner is coming to check out our calf crop, I could ask him.
Personally, I really don't think it's true.