Who thinks this is the same calf????? I am not impressed!!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
IMO photos and videos are a joke. You can take 10 pictures of a beast and make it look like 10 different individuals. You can photo shop and clip and enlarge and all kinds of stuff. Its fun. But its become all about deception. If I see photos in a sale catalog I purposely try not to look at them cause it always seemed like to me they never portray an accurate portrayal. More like betrayal.jmo


Feb 6, 2011
that's a tough one to call they have things that look thee same and things that look diffrent. They should have told you if he was blind or not thats not hard to find out you may have got screwed he acts like no one has ever messed with him but he seems by what you can tell in the pictures he dosent have a problem being closed in and sround people but even if it is the same calf you did good by getting rid of him because thats what i would have done.


Feb 6, 2011
cattleguy said:
This WHOLE story, from the pics ,to the video, to selling him at a sale barn, all seems really fishy. If this was really purchased from a breeder, WHY oh WHY would you sell him at the sale barn. You get rid of your only proof/evidence to go after him.  In doing that you totally let the breeder off the hook 100%. OR, this is a bunch of made up BS.  I certainly hope someone would not make up a story like this. But if this is true, NAME THE BREEDER. You could prevent a disaster for another cattlemen. At this point you aren't worried about offending him are you?
Nameing the breeder isnt going to solve anything. Also if he can see this and sees what kind of controversy he needs to take the first step in this. Also i don't honestly think everybody would just think oh lets get DNA and make sure it is the same calf everyone reacts and most likely everyone on here would have done the same thing. We don't need to point fingers true or not and to the people naming names your just as bad as the breeder if this is true.