I live in North Central Iowa and sold Cpu's for 15 years. I am not able to get DSL either.
My customers opinions as to best...
1)t1, t-3, fiber -etc (Only in town)
2)Cable, or DSL (still around 2 miles from a transformer call your telephone company as you can get lucky)
3a)Fixed base wireless (tower - usually 6-30 mile radius)
Skip 96 choices
100) Nothing
The Satellite firms that use a phone uplink were not as good as the direct uplink (satellite both ways). I happen to use Wildblue for my satellite system, I had dish network/starband before and it was too unreliable. All of them will be efected by weather (worse than sat tv), will have long ping times that can disrupt some voice over internet stuff, but all in all they are SOOOO much better than dialup. Like most things, find a neighbor or two that like their system and the guy that services/installs it and go with that.
Generally they have gotten to the point they work pretty well but will always be somewhat limited by the distance from the farm to that satellite. I like Wildblue since I can network the kids/spouses cpu, ip calving camera I got for christmas, etc.