Well-known member
Telos said:I like the concept of the slick steer shows. Not much much "pretty", but some good steers that are easier to evaluate. At the same time I really liked looking at those champion steers at the NAILE this last year.
I have misspelled definitely at least six times this year. I can do better. Spell check would help, but keep forgetting to use it. ))
telos....yoiu just shook a recent thought from me...when i recieved the latest exibitor/ and sales edition....i coudnt help notice in the sales addition the black hairys that had obvious accheviements ( standing in front of the campions presintation)....and then of course the listed line of sire and dam well represented under the photo of coarse.....but unless the background was very light or outside.....you can "see" nothing" on about 80% of the black hariys.....maybe its just my ole 50/yr old eyes...but i see "nothing" on the cow ie cut/ shoulder/hips ect.....i no that more pics would be avaliable upon contacting them...but for the cost of advertising/ and actually "showing" future buyers what the animal "looks" like ...it seems the markiting bang and direction is on the banner behind/ and the lines the animal came from...and the steer calves all of course have nice good pics....but if they completley left of the lines involved.....what would really catch your eye??..maybe we should just have a picture presontation show at the fairs.....with handouts on the fine lines we have used...give each participant 6 minutes on the overhead and verbal presentation.....and just leaave the cows home...and do it at the convention center...inside in the air conditioning ? just curios if anyone else notices this with the black haryies and the pics that they "show" us in there ads????? thanks jbarl