Of all the people I know who do smoke pot, not one of them has tried Heroin. How can you call pot a drug but not alcohol, pot is natural, like tobacco. The other drugs you are referring to are all processed (like alcohol). The addict breaking into your house to rob you is not a pothead, I have seen people who smoke pot go weeks with out and function, a meth head, herion addict, coke fiend, or Oxzy addict, they will rob you for their next fix. I have been burglarized, I know what it is like, I will bet they weren't pot heads.
I am not advocating smoking dope, I just know there are allot of functioning, pot smoking people out, some could be your best employee, favorite teacher, judge, lawyer, or doctor. Should they be criminals because they smoke pot. I do not think so, as long as they do it responsibly, do not drive high, and don't come to work that way.
Lets get back to cattle shall we.