XBAR Should be his campaign manager

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Alchohol and prescription drug abuse are far more of a problem.

Legalize it.

The only economic reason its not legal is because its to easy to grow and therefore to difficult to regulate/tax.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
There is no point.  It just drives gonewest crazy that I 'up and dispute' his backwoods stereotypical way of thinking on a regular basis.  He stays in a constant state of denial "But how could it be?" 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
That's right up my alley. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

People sure do get all touchy when someone brings up a opinion that is based on facts and solid reasoning. Pot isn't going anywhere. Better get used to it. But hey Rick Perry is a great guy. Not racist at all. What was the name of that hunting ranch him and his buddies hunt at? Oh yes. I remember now. Can't say it on here tho.


Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
To the people that want to legalize pot because it is "no worse than alcohol" Do we really need another alcohol type problem in the US?  Dont kid yourself into thinking that it wouldn't add to the people that become addicts of something.  I for one would not smoke pot but love to have a few drinks.  Im sure there are plenty of people that would rather smoke than drink and those people would now be able to without any reason not to.  So either we ban alcohol again (cause it worked so well the first time) or we try to prevent any new kind of substance from gaining a larger foothold. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Davis Shorthorns said:
To the people that want to legalize pot because it is "no worse than alcohol" Do we really need another alcohol type problem in the US?  Dont kid yourself into thinking that it wouldn't add to the people that become addicts of something.  I for one would not smoke pot but love to have a few drinks.  Im sure there are plenty of people that would rather smoke than drink and those people would now be able to without any reason not to.   So either we ban alcohol again (cause it worked so well the first time) or we try to prevent any new kind of substance from gaining a larger foothold.

so what's your point?  I like ya, Matt but- the logic you're applying here... well, isn't sound.  The legality of the substance doesn't affect anything but the price!  There's not a city in the entire country that you can't pick some up for what the occasional user considers 'a reasonable price.'  The process is so rudimentary- this isn't a manufactured substance we're talking about.  The masses have been conditioned into perceiving pot as something other than what it is.  Whether you choose to smoke or not, as an American you should have the right to exercise sole dominion over your own life, and you should have the right to live in whatever manner you choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the rights of others to live in whatever manner they choose.  This is a fundamental principle we're dealing with.  And fortunately, for those that like to partake, their voice is being heard.  Yours is falling on deaf ears, as it only resonates (no pun  (lol) ) as bigotry. 


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
I should have known this would turn into some kind of policy debate and that's not what it was intended to be. However it is hilarious to see a pot head try to defend his addiction by giving his view of reality concerning a substance who's only purpose is to remove the user from reality.  (clapping) (lol) (clapping) How ironic is that?

The intention of my post was only to again highlight the fact that he has absolutely no credibility as a human being as evidenced in his responses to the recent catastrophic loss to ranchers in SD. He's as useless as the g in lasagna. Like Kinky, he's just a blowhard (no pun intended) who wants some attention by making statements that oppose whomever he thinks will give him attention on what ever topic is at hand. One has to wonder if the only reason he has been allowed to continue to be a member of this forum is that he causes people to respond to him. I can name 10 people off the top of my head who no longer come to this forum because of the crap he starts. He deserves no acknowledgement, no response.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
I agree with Davis but with that being said if enough people want legalized marijuana we are part of a democracy. 
A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
A state governed in such a way.

Part Timer

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2009
And when they tire of pot, what next.? Heroin, coke. You cant tell me that it is harmless. I dont believe all those junkies out there started out on the hard stuff. The only reason the govt would legalize it is for the massive amount of tax dollars. Nothing but a drain on society(govt and pot heads).


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
The old Pot is a gateway drug, really, no more than alcohol. I do not partake but know many who do, they all seem to hold down well paying carers. Why? They do not smoke on the job, just like I do not drink on the job.

Legalize it, regulate it like booze and take the drug dealer out of the equation, along with the DEA and Cartels.

Do you really think that just because it is legalized thousands will rush out to use it? Those that wanted to try it, have, those that like it, smoke it already.

I know if they legalized it out here our state a national parks would be cleaner and safer. Since most of the stuff grown in this state, is in the parks, the damage they do to the environment is incredible.



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
Marijuana is currently illegal, has that stopped those that wish to smoke it from doing so? No, people that wish to smoke pot, will continue to do so, regardless of the legality.

The alcohol vs marijuana debate is silly. Especially when you are implying that alcohol is a problem and legalizing marijuana will create another problem. They are both problems, especially with young adults and teenagers. Alcohol is currently illegal for anyone under the age of 21, to be in possession of, or consume. How many on this board waited until their 21st birthday to have their first drink? Wouldn't that be just as illegal as smoking marijuana?

The physical impairments of alcohol and marijuana both, can be very dangerous. But, it's quite possible that alcohol is the more dangerous of the two.

I'm for legalizing it, only because of the massive amount of tax dollars that you and I fund the government to chase down dealers, try those people in court, and house them in prisons. Lets make some money off of them, maybe it will help pay for food stamps.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Anyone who is in favor of legalized drugs should watch an episode or two of Drugs, Inc., on the National Geographic channel.  I'm reminded everyday of how our civilization will end just like the Roman Empire and all the others.  From within.  Legalization will not stop the gang violence, broken families, ruined dreams, bankruptcies, etc.  Drugs will only become more readily available to too many others waiting to have their lives ruined.  There will still be violence as the dealers fight over their turf and compete to get more young people hooked.  As for majority rules, most US citizens oppose same sex marriage.  It is legal in many states.  Well over 50% of the general public is opposed to Obama Care.  It is the "Law of the Land," as Harry Reid likes to say.  At one time, most were in favor of slavery, men only elections, you name it.  Just because it is law, does not make it right nor does majority rules.  Until somebody comes up with a better plan, though.......

Part Timer

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2009
It is a gateway drug. I am tired of wondering what those sounds are at night. Was it  the wind, the dog, or the piece of crap that stole some of my equipment last year because he needed drug money. I have already held two people at gun point that have tried to get into our buildings. Thank god it wasnt our house.  Drug use is a huge problem that is starting to take down small town America. Why would you legalize it, our society is lazy enough the way it is.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
To the people that want to legalize pot because it is "no worse than alcohol" Do we really need another alcohol type problem in the US?  Dont kid yourself into thinking that it wouldn't add to the people that become addicts of something.  I for one would not smoke pot but love to have a few drinks.  Im sure there are plenty of people that would rather smoke than drink and those people would now be able to without any reason not to.   So either we ban alcohol again (cause it worked so well the first time) or we try to prevent any new kind of substance from gaining a larger foothold.

so what's your point?  I like ya, Matt but- the logic you're applying here... well, isn't sound.  The legality of the substance doesn't affect anything but the price!  There's not a city in the entire country that you can't pick some up for what the occasional user considers 'a reasonable price.'  The process is so rudimentary- this isn't a manufactured substance we're talking about.  The masses have been conditioned into perceiving pot as something other than what it is.  Whether you choose to smoke or not, as an American you should have the right to exercise sole dominion over your own life, and you should have the right to live in whatever manner you choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the rights of others to live in whatever manner they choose.  This is a fundamental principle we're dealing with.  And fortunately, for those that like to partake, their voice is being heard.  Yours is falling on deaf ears, as it only resonates (no pun  (lol) ) as bigotry.
Im not talking about a recreational user here, i'm talking about addicts.  Yes you can be addicted to pot just like any other thing.  It is a real addiction.  So your saying that no more people would start smoking if it was legal?  I highly doubt that.  Also ease of getting it is much easier if you can just go down to a store and buy it and not have to go to a dealer.  Sorry but your logic is flawed on that one.  So once you get pot legal whats next?  well mushrooms are natural they should be legal.  Well cocaine is bla bla bla acid is bla bla bla I want I want I want.  If you want the govt to stay away and let people live their lives how they want then no medical help for anyone that is suffering from a self afflicted problem.  Should it go that far?  When you od on what ever substance you want dont bother calling the emt's you die.  It was your choice by the way to put that chemical in your body.  Weed is a problem in this country it IS A GATEWAY DRUG much worse than alcohol.  To VC how many people that you know that sit around and drink a few beers every night then think humm you know now I might go try some Heroin?  Probably not nearly as many as people that are sitting around smoking pot.  I have been there I have seen it I have had people very close to me start with pot and now are addicted to many different substances.  Drugs are different than alcohol and legality does have something to do with who uses it more than just as a experimental basis.  PS Saying what I am saying about my not wanting to legalize weed is bigotry is a slap in the face to people that have experienced real bigotry. 


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
Do you have the same view and thoughts about the most widely used drug in the world, alcohol, that causes the most addiction, the drug that causes the most diseases, and the drug that has resulted in more violence than any other drug?

I'm with you and agree with your statement, but we can't leave the elephant in the room out of the discussion when it comes to drug use in America.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Of all the people I know who do smoke pot, not one of them has tried Heroin. How can you call pot a drug but not alcohol, pot is natural, like tobacco. The other drugs you are referring to are all processed (like alcohol). The addict breaking into your house to rob you is not a pothead, I have seen people who smoke pot go weeks with out and function, a meth head, herion addict,  coke fiend, or Oxzy addict, they will rob you for their next fix. I have been burglarized, I know what it is like, I will bet they weren't pot heads.
I am not advocating smoking dope, I just know there are allot of functioning, pot smoking people out, some could be your best employee, favorite teacher, judge, lawyer, or doctor. Should they be criminals because they smoke pot. I do not think so, as long as they do it responsibly, do not drive high, and don't come to work that way.

Lets get back to cattle shall we.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
vc said:
Of all the people I know who do smoke pot, not one of them has tried Heroin. How can you call pot a drug but not alcohol, pot is natural, like tobacco. The other drugs you are referring to are all processed (like alcohol). The addict breaking into your house to rob you is not a pothead, I have seen people who smoke pot go weeks with out and function, a meth head, herion addict,  coke fiend, or Oxzy addict, they will rob you for their next fix. I have been burglarized, I know what it is like, I will bet they weren't pot heads.
I am not advocating smoking dope, I just know there are allot of functioning, pot smoking people out, some could be your best employee, favorite teacher, judge, lawyer, or doctor. Should they be criminals because they smoke pot. I do not think so, as long as they do it responsibly, do not drive high, and don't come to work that way.

Lets get back to cattle shall we.
I never said alcohol wasn't a drug.  It is probably the most abused drug in the world.  I do partake in it.  Not all the drugs I mentioned are "natural" shrooms for one.  If none of the people you know never took the next step in drugs they are either lying to you or a completely different kind of drug addict than I know.  I have seen it.  Watched people go from pot to coke to crack to meth to etc... I have seen it all I have watched people ruin their lives with drugs, including alcohol.  If you had read my first post I say we don't need ANOTHER alcohol.  This world would be a better place if prohibition had worked.  The amount of people that were alcoholics was less during prohibition than now I would bet.  I am not saying that I am better than someone that smokes pot because I drink instead I just don't think that it is something that will benefit us as a society to legalize.  Yes tax revenue will be a good but is it worth it? 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Wow. Lots if good points made on both sides. First the govt makes more money keeping pot illegal then they would if it was legal. You think they just burn that cash they seize ? Guns? Come on man. Second, pot is no more of a gateway drug then snuff, cigs, beer , whatever. It's not the drug that's the gateway. It's the personality of the person. They level of peer pressure. The level of curiosity. I've done everything except the really hard stuff. I hate heroin. I hate needles. I did enough drugs to kill a man. That's not pots fault. That's my fault. I know I'm in the minority here but come on. Alcohol is much more of a mind altering drug. Much more. I think those of you that think by keeping it illegal will solve the problem, I'm sorry but it's not working. Kids getting involved in any drugs is sad. But is it the drugs fault? Not IMO. It's the parents, society in general. Kids run wild mostly in the ghetto. I've been in the hood in Columbus. It's a zoo. It's the people, not the drugs. They are living in a very hopeless situation.

I really hate the term pot head. I'm a farmer sir. Not a pot head. I smoke it. It doesn't control me. In fact it has helped me from loosing my mind over the last few years.

I also shot 3 under par 69 at the golf course today and we toked on a number all the way around. I don't run people down who don't smoke. I don't run those down who are drunks. Or crackheads. Or whatever. It's their problem. Not mine. Do for you. Make your own choices. If you can't get up and go to work in the morning or can't handle your responsibilities then you need to take a step back and maybe cut out what's causing that. Everything in moderation is the key IMO. Don't be a idiot. Respect those around you. And try not to judge. Personally I think this country is in a very bad spot but it isn't pots fault. It's a bought congress and a bought administration in the White House that's the real problem.

Oh and I think those that don't come on here anymore because of xbar just couldn't debate him. So they call sour grapes and take the toys back to their own sandbox.