Twins give me pains where I don't have windows! I will take a good single to most any set of twins. Occasionally, you luck out and have a good set of the same sex, but usually they are one of each sex... or one is dead at birth.... or the mom will only claim one.... or they drag the mom down so much that she calves late the next year etc etc etc. They usually are more trouble than they are worth.
I don't know why, but we always seem to have an abundance of twins here. Last year was the least we ever had with 5 sets, but 5 years ago we had 23 sets. I have tried to keep track of genetics involved and there is no pattern. We have Shorthorn, Charolais, Angus and Maine Angus cows and they all have had twins. Last year 3 of our 5 sets were out of first calf heifers. Twins did help us achieve our first 100% calf crop at weaning, last year, in many years. That is, we weaned more calves in the fall than the number of cows we bred the previous year. Must be the water that is causing all these twins.
Another thing I am experiencing, is a high number of heifer calves. Not sure if this is linked to anything or not. In the last two years we have been over 80 % heifers on our purebred cows. Three years ago, we had 60% heifers. Our ET calves born three years ago were 13 heifers and 2 bulls. Four years ago, we had 58% heifers with all our ET calves being heifers. I think we may have used up a big portion of our luck that year as we implanted 18 embryos, got 17 pregnancies and 18 heifer calves ( one embryo split and resulted in two identical twin heifers). We are just approaching our first calves this year. Maybe the averages will even out this year with a bunch of bull calves.