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Simnetix said:Clubby pedigree's are very hard to line breed and often unsuccessful, they are freaks. While linebreeding for certain traits or characteristics makes sense, too much of a good thing (bone, muscle, etc) usually end badly.
my examples were not linebreeding clubbies, as the reason linebreeding them is because they are composites.
not expecting a wreck from linebreeding a clubbie is ignorance.
i would especially avoid linebreeding anything that had a lot of bone, or for that matter too much of any trait. the reason for linebreeding is the opposite of this, at least in my book.
you want to linebreed to take out heterogeneity and therefore unpredictability and segregation. i wouldn't consider IW linebred, but more inbred.
i do find it interesting that pc megaton, is in whiskey therefore 3x in pendleton.
go figure. there really is a common thread, but it's not heatwave, full flush etc. doesn't mean it's metric either.
people have been obsessing about the same bulls forever and they may not be the reason.
somehow, through looking, people got them too straight. all i'm trying to do is get around this. it's just a theory that flies in the face of
if you look closely at what people are doing for the future, you will see a few people have figured something out. get ready for change. on the other hand, people are still trying to fix the same old thing, which has proven to be a consumer of more time than people thought.