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  1. doubled

    If you were gonna start over?

    I agree with you, good answer
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    First (Alien) Braunvieh Calf

    Oh my gosh how cute- congrats
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    Blade Sharpening

    Got a question for you all-  Do you use a local clipper blade sharpening service or do you use the ones available at the cattle shows???  Is there a need out there for some other people that would do it out of their homes at a more reasonable price???
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    Small Business Loan

    Was wondering if anyone out there has ever applied for a Small Business Loan???  If so what advice can  you give???
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    Are hogs easier than cattle?

    This kids showed all three- Hogs are the easiest to handle but hard to get the perfect weight- Cattle are labor entensive but they still loved them the most, the lambs.... I loved them (the kids hated them) cause I wanted to make pets out of show lambs and that usually is a no no or they wont...
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    Who Made Who xcross steer for sale

    Thank you, appreciate that, I PM'd you- we need to move this steer so we think we really have him priced reasonable
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    We are in like Flynn
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    Who Made Who xcross steer for sale

    We have this Who Made Who Cross Steer For Sale Please PM for pricing- we are located in Iowa This guy really moves nice super fluid in his movements These pictures make him look a little short but he really is not- just the way he wanted to stand, he is super thick
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    kg hc Oldifufufudgxtzgzgxcuvuuc

    Ok Im gonna jump in here- I know alot of you are not from Iowa and I for one dont approve of airing cattle, but if you walk down the aisle at the Iowa Beef Expo or the Iowa State Fair you would run out of toes and fingers counting which ones have been aired.  Unfortunately its pretty common...
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    I hate SKUNKS!!!!

    OMG  I HATE snakes, Ill drive all the way across the yard on our lawnmower just to murder one of those things, I totally ruined my husbands best shovel one year smashing one to bits on the cement
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    Finally Blue Roan Pictures (Kadabra x Double Vision) (SOLD)

    If you have one like her you are one lucky dude, I hated to sell the one we sold but thats what we are in the business for, Id love to have a bunch like her and yours
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    Power 2 Change

    Brad Im a sucker for a baldy, when you get some semen available please post that here on SP as I for one am gonna buy some, we have some nice black cows Id love to try him on.  Good Luck.
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    "The Rest of the Story" non cattle

    That is sad we so much enjoyed his wit, humor and insite on the world A true loss
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    Embryos for sale (charlolais x maine cow) (update on number of embryos left)

    Just wanted to update everyone that has been interested, grade ones are going fast - we have 9 left of grade ones and 8 left of grade twos Not trying at all to push anyone but I cant sell more than I have, also she is carrying a calf now so we cant flush her again until after she has the calf...
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    Embryos for sale (charlolais x maine cow) (update on number of embryos left)

    Yeah my son talks to him some too, not sure Tony knows where the steer is for sure but he might- no real big deal, I guess we will wait and see if he show up at a show here in the near future we hope. but ya never know, think for now we will just wait and see.
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    CLIPPED CALVES!! WHOO HOO! (as you requested!)

    They look nice- the clip job looks good
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    New Bull

    hes coooolllll like his look, and like the picture not so fake looking