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  1. DCC_Cattle

    Shorthorn nominations for the bull bracket

    Double Vision Sonny Solution Trump Radio Active Jake's Proud Jazz Bloodstone
  2. DCC_Cattle

    Double Vision heifer!

    Thanks everyone for the comments! However, I do not agree with this statement. Her being good has nothing to do with her TH/PHA status. We'll find out the results her in a couple weeks, but even if she is a carrier, I could care less!
  3. DCC_Cattle

    Double Vision heifer!

    Awhile back, I posted some pictures of a Double Vision heifer that I raised. Just thought I would post an updated picture of her. She was Calf Champion Female at the Ohio State Fair Open Shorthorn Show. She has been shown 4 times and has been 1st three times!
  4. DCC_Cattle

    Nasc Takes grand

    Congrats!!  <party>
  5. DCC_Cattle

    Hard Rock

    I saw both bulls and I would say Hard Rock was the better one of the two. I thought he looked way better in person than in the picture Lautner uses. The shorthorn bull, to me was not that impressive but he did take a good picture.
  6. DCC_Cattle

    Cow not milking

    I have a cow that has always been a great milker for her first two calves. This year, she is hardly milking for her calf and she is pretty fat for being out on grass. She normally slims down a little during the summer months. What causes cows not to milk well? Even when she first had the calf...
  7. DCC_Cattle

    SS Rock On

    I really like the look of this bull. I think he will throw calves similar to his sire, Jake's Proud Jazz. He's deifinitely got a good pedigree and moderate birthweight!
  8. DCC_Cattle

    Ivy League in Working Clothes

    Looks good! It's nice to see what bulls look like in their working clothes!
  9. DCC_Cattle

    Who Made Who on a First Calf Heifer?

    Who Made Who might be an older bull, but is still dang good!! I would not recommend Dr Who on heifers because his birthweights are very inconsistent. I have had them anywhere from 75 pounds to 155 pounds at birth. I would definitely go with WMW for the first time!
  10. DCC_Cattle

    Who Made Who on a First Calf Heifer?

    I have used WMW on heifers many times and have never had any problems. They seem to always come around 80 pounds or less. They are good calves too! Good Luck!
  11. DCC_Cattle

    Red Hot Heifer (pic)

    Very nice heifer! What are you asking for her?
  12. DCC_Cattle

    Pictures of our Deadwood Heifer

    Nice looking calf! When was she born?
  13. DCC_Cattle

    Guitar Hero

    Has anyone had any or seen any Guitar Hero calves? I was very impressed with the bull at the Ohio Beef Expp last year. I bought 5 units but only got one calf. Wondering if anyone else used him.
  14. DCC_Cattle

    Show/clipping question

    I usually clip my cattle out about 3 days before the show. Then after we get to the show and let the heifers settle in, we wash them and clip them again (just touching up). Start fitting about 20-30 minutes before you show in class. Good Luck!
  15. DCC_Cattle

    Cody Vogel

    Cody, as well as the Vogel family your in our prayers!
  16. DCC_Cattle

    wild card cow

    Heat Wave or Monopoly
  17. DCC_Cattle

    Growing Hair on Steers

    Rinse, brush, brush, brush, keep in front of fans. Keep the hair clean, brush some more and use Kleen Sheen on the hair. Also, genetics and feed play a role.
  18. DCC_Cattle

    Problem with Bull

    I think this bull has other issues. The past few days he has been acting very odd. I'm not sure what happened to him. Normally, when I get in his pen he is wanting to play and jump around but the past couple days he doesn't even move and he acts like he's out of it. When he was in with the cow...
  19. DCC_Cattle

    Problem with Bull

    I have a 14 month old shorthorn bull that I bought last fall to clean up with. Tonight one of my half shorthorn cows was in standing heat, so I thought I'd try something different and breed her to the bull. Put the cow in with him and first, he looked at her and walked away. When he came back...