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  1. DCC_Cattle

    Sullivan's NO BULL sale

    What did lots 4, 18, 27, 31 and 44 bring? Thanks!
  2. DCC_Cattle

    What does Pale Face work on?

    I have used Pale Face a few times on first calf heifers. The only thing that I really liked about the calves were that they were very small at birth. On the other hand the calves continued to stay small and did not have enough grow and bone to them. They were very small framed even out of larger...
  3. DCC_Cattle

    Thank you Jesus

    I have one question and I have wondered this for a very long time..... Why do people not understand that if you have a TH carrier, all you have to do is breed them to a Non-Carrier bull?!?!?! It seems so SIMPLE to me, but hey what do I know. I have quite a few carriers in my herd and I breed...
  4. DCC_Cattle

    Overdue cow

    If she does not have the calf in the next few days, either have your vet check her or you can palpate her yourself. I had a heifer that was 5 days over and felt that the calf was in the correct position and went ahead and induced her. The main concern is a retained placenta, but we give ours...
  5. DCC_Cattle

    Calves Not Nursing?

    Thanks for all of the advice. We did see one of the calves nursing this morning and the other one seems to be doing fine, so hopefully we just panicked and got worried too quick. We did talk to the vet and he said to just get them on the cows as soon as possible.
  6. DCC_Cattle

    Calves Not Nursing?

    We have a group of commercial cows that are on their 5th calves. The first one calved last Tuesday and the calf seemed fine and very active, but it was never seen nursing so we gave it a bottle of colostrum and tried to get it nursing but it never seemed interested and that calf died last night...
  7. DCC_Cattle

    Tycoon - Calving Ease?

    I have always liked the bull Tycoon and I see that now in his ads they say he is proven on first calf heifers. Has anyone had any experience with his calves and what are birthweights like?
  8. DCC_Cattle

    Cane codes needed

    XX779 - Alias MA445 - Strictly Business
  9. DCC_Cattle

    Shorthorn Heifer For Sale

    The heifer is priced at $2500, but might be willing to negotiate on the price.
  10. DCC_Cattle

    ShorthornPlus Registration questions..

    Just go to the American Shorthorn Association's website and print off a Shorthorn Plus registration form. Since the dam is not registered you will just need to fill out her name and tattoo. It is usually fairly simple to get them registered. Hope this helps!
  11. DCC_Cattle

    Shorthorn Heifer For Sale

    Thanks! PM's have been sent.
  12. DCC_Cattle

    Shorthorn Heifer For Sale

    Decided to offer this shorthorn heifer for sale. She is a Purple Eclipse x DF Vegas and was born 03/24/09. I am located in central Ohio. I have not had a chance to get updated pictures of her, but I attached a picture from when she was a baby and one from last fall. I hope to get some recent...
  13. DCC_Cattle

    still need a good heifer...

    Are you looking for any particular breed of heifer, or anything?
  14. DCC_Cattle

    What works on Heat Wave Daughters?

    I have had good luck using Heat Wave on Who Made Who I would imagine that Who Made Who would work on Heat Wave daughters.
  15. DCC_Cattle

    Sweetheart Sale

    Thanks for the results!
  16. DCC_Cattle

    2010 display bulls

    Were there any other shorthorn bulls there besides Off Road?
  17. DCC_Cattle

    What is a good shorthorn bull?

    For the first calf, the main goal is to get a live calf without killing the heifer. Jake's Proud Jazz has sired the smallest and easiest calves I have had out of first calvers. He will add thickness, maybe not good fronted cattle, but you can go for the gold the second time around.
  18. DCC_Cattle

    Holiday classic sale dec 28

    107 - $3000 107A - $500 x 3 107B - $550 x 3 107C - $500 x 3
  19. DCC_Cattle

    NAILE Heifer Calf Futurity

    1 - 4500 2 - 2600 3 - 8100 4 - 4000 5 - 4000 6 - X 7 - 4200 8 - $3800 9 - $3000 10 - 2850 11 - 900 12 - 3250 13 - X 14 - 5250 15 - 3250 16 - 5300 17 - 2500 18 - X 19 - X 20 - 925 21 - 1500 22 - 6500 23 - 1800 24 - 2200 25 - 3900 27 - 750 x 3