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  1. B


    Honestly, I generally take the person aside and remind them we have "little ears" around.  Maybe this is an adult board and in that case, let all the cuss words rip.  It does make for a great conversation. xbar - I can take it, but obviously SMO can not.  No reason to get defensive when I...
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    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    Just saw this on facebook: Fairview Salebarn: Bulletin---This is a breaking story and this is what we’ve heard so far. Tyson has announced that it no longer accept slaughter cattle that have been in the show ring this summer. If one even looks like it has been shown, Tyson does not want it in...
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    This is a family friendly board, please either clean up your language and show some maturity, or stop posting.  Helpful answer - Ask your question to the vet you acquired it from. I am sure they are very knowledgeable.
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    It scares me to death when someone ask about a prescription only drug and not only can they not spell it, but if it was gotten legally, the vet that prescribed and gave them the medicine would have clearly labeled and told them the withdrawal time and the way to administer it. I can safely...
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    Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

    Interesting thread.  If I understand genetics, most DNA do not care if it is in an animal with registration papers, so being in or sold to a "commercial herd", makes little difference. The people who sell carriers, to ANY defect, to other unknowing breeders or commercial cattleman should be...
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    how to get ultrasound gel out of steer's hair

    First have your fair officials request the ultrasound tech use a water based gel. It is more expensive, but is very easy to remove. If that is not an option, use Dawn dish soap.  Absorb as much of the oil as possible by using corn starch and the blower. Then Put Dawn on directly and scrub...
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    What are you planning for your beef herd with record prices?

    I have always held the belief that a sub standard cow cost you more in low income years than in high, so I cull whenever I need to regardless of price. I have saved back several heifer calves the last 3-5 years, so my herd ranges from 15 year old cows to virgin heifers. I have 3 that I plan to...
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    Nose Ring for my Steer?

    Why would you risk injuring not only yourself, but another innocent person just to show a steer.  If you have worked with him the best you can, and he is (in your words) "200 pounds heavier, smarter and MEANIER", than it is time to admit the animal just isn't "Show material" and sell it to...
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    Need information on semen tanks and want to buy

    Go to  and order a XC millennium 20/20 tank.  I just ordered one and I did my research.  The company is great to work with.  They also have a "live chat" option to ask questions. Super helpful.
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    Vaccination and pregnancy

    A few cattleman were discussing vaccinating cows this morning. Seems there was some disagreement on if you should vaccinate cows in early pregnancy. A few said that vaccinating even with killed vaccine in early pregnancy (now through 90 days) might cause absorption of the embryo.  Others said...
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    AI'ers please give me some confidence

    When I started AI'ing, I would "rate" how I thought I did.  10 being absolutely positive she will stick, and 1 being no way in hell. I would then compare the real results.  There was no correlation.  I couldn't believe it!  But as the others have said, it becomes second nature in time.  Just...
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    If you've ever complained about rounding up your cattle...

    If I am clear about the video, the cattle were owned by a person.  That person obviously should not own cattle.  The cattle were obviously not "managed" by any stretch of the imagination. If my count is right, the round up cost 2 horses, at least 4 dogs, 1 cow and 1 bull.  I am not saying it...
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    Fly pour ons

    In the past, I have always used and liked Durasect.  It is on back order now, so going to have to find an alternative.
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    Building legs on red cattle

    As stated before, matching reds in a true art and takes a LOT of practice at home, long before show morning. Weavers seem to have the best "reds" that when used in combination with each other, will give a good result, but again, you have to know which shades and in what order. Once you "get...
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    In my experience, estrumate gives me more heats, and more fertile heats.  JME (just my experience)
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    $30,000 Ewe Sold in Reno

    You may not be able to put a price on the "best", but you can certainly put a price on stupidity. 
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    EPA/Army Corps-- Clean Water Act-- WOTUS action

    The "head" of the water supply in Des Moines also blames all their water issues on agriculture. Even put in a "flyer" in the water bills stating that the increased cost were directly related to agriculture contamination. Think it is time for him to lose his job. If he is that narrow sighted and...
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    cloning.......purebred people vs. club calf people

    Image is everything...especially if it is wrong.  Meaning eating DNA from an animal does not make you that animal; cloned DNA is protein, just like non-cloned DNA. Cloned DNA is made up of A,D,G,C links just like non-DNA. If I eat pork (which is pig DNA) it does not make me a pig.  That being...
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    My eyes have been opened!

    Just for grins and giggles I called our local salebarn.... here was his answer: For every half of frame score below a 6 on 5-800 weight calves you can easily reduce the price by 10 cents. For every condition score over a 5 you can reduce the price by 20 cents. Those clubbie bloodlines are cute...
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    High dollar generating cows

    I have kept some, and shipped some. I will not let them suffer and will put them out of their misery when it reaches that point.  I understand some people are not in that position, and that is ok.  But I can afford to keep a few free loaders around, and as long as I can pay my bills, I will. 