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  1. OH Breeder

    which bull to make show heifers

    Without seeing the females, agree from the pictures above.
  2. OH Breeder

    What would you AI her too?

    When someone post a picture of female my first question is what do you want out of her? you have hannibal on one side which is pretty much composite. Do you want steers, heifers, replacements etc? is this her first calf or are you talking second third? What's on the other side of hannibal? I...
  3. OH Breeder


    That guy holding rope is standing up hill of the bull as well. He looks a foot or two of slope.
  4. OH Breeder

    breeding an all about you cow

    You can always try a purebred bull and see what you get. Its another year on pasture and feed. But if you think she might produce the quality you are looking for is she worth the investment. It doesn't sound like they have used any purebred bulls on her.
  5. OH Breeder

    Steer show it time to change?

    What do the numbers have to do with anything-irrelevant? Whether its 40 or 4000. There should be consistency in selection process. More times than not you here families who can't classify with registered stock. That makes absolutely no sense to me and is just as dishonest showing a breed as...
  6. OH Breeder

    breeding an all about you cow

    What is making you want to hold on to her? What the motivation to buy her? Did you know she had two cripples? If you are bound on keeping her, stablize her genetics with a purebred bull. It sounds like to me you are getting the worse traits from clubby genetics so go purbred. I like unstoppable...
  7. OH Breeder

    Steer show it time to change?

    I don't have a dog in this fight either, but I find the whole classification system odd. In our area, either you have papers or you show crossbred. It is pretty simple. It is what it is. I don't see how an animal that is registered angus can't classify as an angus? BUT with any change people...
  8. OH Breeder

    Breeding Suggestions

    I used Dream On on my Northern Improvement x 3C macho daughter.She had a heifer. Both females (dam and daughter) are consistent producers. I haven't had a heifer from either yet. Their steers work no matter what i have put on them with low birthweights. 
  9. OH Breeder

    Newborn calf back legs...

    Most definitely sounds like DS. Breeding? If it is DS it only worsens with age. Calves usually have zero grow and some get more crippled as they age. Some of the clubby bulls have been tested but the results have not been published like some of the shorthorn stock.
  10. OH Breeder

    Flush Opinions

    Why not Monopoly? If you are going terminal he has about as good track record as any. the other I like is Unstoppable. soft made come on strong midway and seem to get wider deeper as they age. You could also go smoke for interesting color. Old school Alias host of other Smokes out there...
  11. OH Breeder

    Horned Genetics Table 1. Genetic Expression of Polledness or Horns and Expected Inheritance by Offspring Sire Dam Calves Homozygous polled (PP) Homozygous polled (PP) 100% Homozygous polled (PP) Homozygous polled (PP)  Heterozygous...
  12. OH Breeder

    We are changing our herd away from Shorthorn

    If you don't mind me asking, how many head do you run? How many do you sell? We went to private freezer beef market and I can't keep them in stock. Have calls monthly wanting beef. Develop your own market. "city" people are looking for local grown and animals they can see what they have...
  13. OH Breeder

    tell me what you think?

    I have used milled feed for years. Have tried all the bagged feed locally avalilable. I like the milled feed because I can adjust the protien and fat content quicker. If he is 700 you should be at 3% of body weight for total feed consumption a day give or take. If he isn't eating that much work...
  14. OH Breeder

    tell me what you think?

    If you need to be finished in July. You need to implant him with a growth implant now for sure to kick up his gain. If you have a mill at your diposal I would put him on a milled feed. I used the AAOK modified version with Natural Fit in it. I also feed free choice grass hay. Our calves are...
  15. OH Breeder

    Red Galloway X Red Angus

    I see the Chickadee Farms is under one of the links of Ter-Ron Farms. Possible they originate to some their genetics? Girls look like momma cows in the making. I like Liabrian's idea of shorthorn on these gals. Take either one of them put in the herd.
  16. OH Breeder

    Heifer by Critical Mass - Opinions?

    Nice heifer/cow. Looks like your bull got the job done. Nice to see the baby cleaned up and dry. Congrats on heifer being a good momma. With so many of the clubby bred bulls it is tough to get a maternal female from them.
  17. OH Breeder

    Lets call a spade a spade and stop beating around the bush

    There is a block feature. You can block any member you do no want to recieve messages from. You also will not see their post. If its personal email you can most likely put it to go to spam.
  18. OH Breeder

    Simmental Club Calves

    Great place to start on here is the for sale section. you can search it as well. I have found even if someone has sold calves they may know of someone else who has one or they have another one.
  19. OH Breeder

    2015 Shorthorn Bulls

    Looks good to me red and white. No matter they all eat the same when the hides off. Too bad folks are color blind.
  20. OH Breeder

    CF Validate

    He looks okay if that is in your breeding program. I thought might be something new. Just same genetics repackaged. Not a bad thing again if that is what you are shooting for.