Let me first say, I personally think that Shorthorn cattle are the best looking show cattle there are and over the years we have enjoyed showing them in Kentucky. And everyone knows that not every heifer and bull are going to be show cattle. A large part of any herd is going to end up at the stockyards for sale simply because they are not good enough to show and are not considered replacements. I dont have any problem with that since it is part of the business. However, that is where the problem lies. In Kentucky there is absolutely no commercial market for Shorthorn cattle. Sure they will take them, but the discount per head is enormous. We sell at a very big stock yard in central KY and every time for the past few years our cattle have looked pound for pound as good as "black" coated cattle and yet we get discounted at least $100 dollars per head. I have asked them why this is happening and the reply "they aren't black and that's what they want on market." We have been slowly incorporating Angus and Simmi into our herd beecause of this and as of yesterday's poor sale numbers again with heavy discounts because of coat color, that was all we needed to finally say "enough is enough". We are going to be switching to Angus and Simmi cattle over the next year. Do we like doing this? No, but business is business and we must generate comparable income as other farmers do. The Shorthorn industry has really done nothing to fix this issue in Kentucky and I attended at meeting where this issue was discussed with the Secretary when he came to ASA, yet nothing has been done. Something sure needs to be done to remedy this issue. This is just our feelings and again, we love Shorthorns, but money is money and we have to follow it to survive in this business.