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  1. common sense

    Total Package-the bull

    I think I might be that person...LOL.  We have several daughters out of Momentum.  LOVE THEM!  Momma cows?  You bet your life!  Here's what I love about them.  Longevity--I think I have a couple that could live to be 100.  Sound--(goes along with longevity in my book) Good big foot shape, ample...
  2. common sense

    KARMA for hope

    Don't worry about taking my Karma.  I just love to be able to give my "positive"s to somebody in exchange for them feeling better.  Besides, it will give me incentive to do more good deeds to earn them back!  LOL!!!  I love that everyone is sending her cards via the hospital website.  That will...
  3. common sense

    Do cattle have sensitivity feelings?

    I say most definitely!  I feel silly even talking about why I believe this but I most definitely have links to many of our cows including the bull, Joe.  It's when you hold a the head of a dying retired show heifer in your lap and she looks you straight in the eye that you know there is...
  4. common sense

    KARMA for hope

    O.K. you guys, keep up the good work and strip those points away and send the good karma to Erin.  I just talked to Doug and he said that Erin is taking a tiny step in the right direction in that her lungs are getting a little better and they are slowly backing off on the ventilator.  Doug...
  5. common sense

    KARMA for hope

    O.K., you need to help on this.  I want everyone to take away my Karma  points least to the point where I am at zero points.  Karma, for myself at least, stands for something positive.  I want everyone to take away a Karma point from me today and then send a positive thought to Erin...
  6. common sense

    Fun calf names for this year!

    Well, we might be boring but we are naming ALL of our bulls "Nelson" followed by their i.d. number and year letter.  I have a really nice bull calf out of our "2M" cow so his number is "2U".  I was just thinking yesterday that if he turned into a bull prospect we could do an advertisement as...
  7. common sense

    Theives Strike

    Cheap and effective are motion lights.  They have a GREAT startle factor.  Also, put up "fake" surveillance cameras  that have little red led lights in them.  They will do the same as having the real thing!  They also make motion sensed dog barking sensors.  That at least would get your dogs going. 
  8. common sense

    Registered % Maine Anjou

    Both good choices.  Joe's frame is 5.9.  He will add rib and make them sound.  I am really loving his calves this spring.  Oh, and for what it's worth...they are horrible pets!  Great disposition.
  9. common sense

    different maine site

    OMGoodness, well, I have this phobia about sickle-hocked cattle.  There was one cow on there that was so bad that I think if she were in my pasture I would shoot her to put her out of her misery.  I don't know how she could even walk.  Some of the cattle were kind of interesting.  Fun to see how...
  10. common sense

    Registered % Maine Anjou

    BCCC- we have two Irish Whiskey heifers that are clean.  We bred them to Gigolo Joe for their first calves.  I am tickled with both of them.  I would not give the heifers too high of a score on pelvic area so I don't know if that is typical and something to watch out for.  I do however LOVE the...
  11. common sense


    Sly- did you try to milk her out at all?  What did you get when/if you did this?  I would lock them in and put the calf in a seperate pen where the cow can see/nose the calf but can't get together with it.  Leave them for a few hours and then milk her out and see what you get.  I wouldn't think...
  12. common sense

    OYE in OKC

    OK, now I am excited!!!  I just found out that the Reserve Supreme Champion heifer was a Contender daughter that we raised and sold on our fall sale.  I am so excited!  That heifer's mother is expecting a full sib any day now. 
  13. common sense

    OYE in OKC

    Anybody have the results of the heifer show?  I can't find them online.  Thanks...biting my nails!!!!
  14. common sense

    Things vets gotta love to hear...

    "I called my vet but he doesn't want to get out of bed so can you come out and pull a calf?" "This sow had two pigs a couple of days ago and she's still straining!"
  15. common sense

    Mixing Kleen Sheen and vinegar

    BCCC --- Oh yeah, I totally agree on the Infusium.  In fact that is another mix that I use.  It is GREAT and you can sometimes get a great buy on that at Walmart or Sams. Depending on where you live just play with it.  You don't need to go broke using Kleen Sheen.  Just think about what you are...
  16. common sense


    I think it all depends on what equipment you have available and how your operation is set up.  I love the cone feeders. I have never had one but like the idea.  I would want to move them from time to time to get them on dryer, cleaner ground.  I think they would be much more difficult tomove so...
  17. common sense

    Mixing Kleen Sheen and vinegar

    I mix ALL the time.  I actually will mix about half and half.  Vinegar is great for hair and skin and it's very cheap.  I have several different bottles of "sheen" that I use.      One is a half/half mix that I use before shows or clipping or when it's really hot out.      I have another...
  18. common sense

    Is it just me?

    I am confused.  You seem to lump all bulls into one category here.  I am not sure which bulls you are happy with.  It seems like the bulls that offer pictures that aren't the "fluff" photos make you unhappy as well as the normal profile shots. Also, you don't seem to be happy with the bulls that...
  19. common sense

    What are your vices in life?

    1: Cows (It's not just a job, it's a passion) 2: Coffee/chocolate or any combination thereof 3: Sugar like Fun Dip, cake decorations or straight powdered sugar(This should probably be #10!) 4: Creme Brulee' (I never share!!!) 5: Clothes like vests/coats, work chaps, Victoria's Secret treats and...
  20. common sense

    Pedigree guru

    Thanks you guys. Telos, do you study this stuff in your sleep?! It's just amazing how far back this stuff goes and how really difficult it is to track!  Everyone assumes that if they follow the sire side of the pedigree it will fix things but you have to follow the dams dam or great grand dam or...