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  1. G

    Need some opinions on angus calves

    I will see what I can do. I am the world's worst at analyzing my own calves. I will shoot some more photos in a few days (I have baby duty this weekend, mama and mother-in-law are shopping).
  2. G

    Pet Pieve

    When I turned 16, my parents told me it was time to go to shows by myself. I went to the NJAS in KC by myself when I was 17 for a full week. I am not saying that is right either, but I sure learned a lot of life lessons about how to make it alone. We made a ton of mistakes, but guess who had to...
  3. G

    Need some opinions on angus calves

    All are already tested AM and NH free, except the steer. I don't think we need to test him  ;) Just looking to see whether the heifers could compete, and whether the steer has the power to compete in an angus class. I am working on the camera skills. I have been an underwater photographer for 4...
  4. G

    Need some opinions on angus calves

    Finally, a 2/1 heifer out of Image Maker and by a first calf heifer out of the same White Oak Precise son as the steer calf. Please give me your honest opinions. You won't hurt my feelings ;) Thanks!
  5. G

    Need some opinions on angus calves

    The second is a 2/17 heifer out of Connealy Power One and a Midland dam
  6. G

    Need some opinions on angus calves

    The first is a 2/28 steer out of a White Oak Precise son and a granddaughter of Touchstone
  7. G


    testing posting a pic
  8. G

    Self feeders

    Ditto on Richard Cox Manu. The feed king is a heck of feeder.
  9. G

    Opinions on Angus Bull calf

    I wouldn't have expected that kind of a front on Currency. Thanks for the heads up, though. My Image Makers are a little "cowy", but I may still try it. I saw some really nice ET calves with that cross...
  10. G

    Opinions on Angus Bull calf

    I, too, would like to hear what people think about Currency. I am planning on using him on Image Maker cows. I think that cross will be really nice...
  11. G

    steer with swollen knee

    Fine...agree to disagree on what I said. Don't use bute. Fair enough?  Sheesh. I officially want to flush this day right down the crapper.
  12. G

    steer with swollen knee

    DL, you will note that I told them to do nothing except call the vet. A vet would most likely advise not to give anything, but you could give bute or banamine if it were called for. Careful about reading too much into my response.
  13. G

    steer with swollen knee

    bute or banamine...but you might just give it some time. Call your vet.
  14. G

    Pink Eye

    I like either excede, penicillin, an eye patch with a puffer, and re-treat in 6-7 days. Draxxin works better than excenel, but it is expensive. Prevention is a multi-pronged approach. Clip pastures, control flies, and vaccinate as late as possible. We vaccinated on 6/12 this year. I like...
  15. G

    Feet problems

    Good point, to identify foot rot get down and smell the foot. You will know if it is foot rot. If it doesn't smell and there is no necrosis, then it is probably a stifle issue. Last year I had a 7 year old bull and a 12 year old cow go down in a breeding injury gone wrong. If I hadn't seen it...
  16. G

    Feet problems

    Sounds like foot rot. I would get her up and give her a dose of excede, penicillin, and enough sulfa pills for her weight. I would also put a healthy dose of bentadine or kopertox on the foot, and try to get a hoof pick in there to discard any dead tissue. If she is not better in 5-6 days, I...
  17. G

    Portable Paul Livestock Scales For Sale

    bump...would like to move this if possible.
  18. G

    Portable Paul Livestock Scales For Sale

    We have a good set of portable paul livestock scales for sale. They work great and are in good shape. We are moving to a set of digital loadbars, otherwise we would still be using them. These would be great for a new purebred breeder or to set up in a show barn. PM for price, etc. We are just...