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  1. D

    Calving in the cold weather

    I don't like calving on sawdust or shavings because with the inevitable " in and out" during the birthing process of the wet, still in the sack calf, some of the sawdust/shavings gets sucked into the birth canal.  Not to mention that the calf is covered with it including in their eyes.  I just...
  2. D

    Calving in the cold weather

    When I worked on the ranch in Wyoming (over 50 calves a night when calving got well along), our mantra was "they (calves)can be cold OR they can be wet but they can't be cold AND wet".  If you think she's going to calve tonight (or tomorrow night or ...), you need to check them every 2 hours...
  3. D

    Favorite Elvis Song

    "I Can't Help Falling in Love With You"
  4. D

    bull ill??

    Maybe hardware?
  5. D

    What's your policy on selling calves ot of state?

    Even though you 'did' have some terms that the buyer had to adhere to (deposit), what you didn't have to make a valid contract was a beginning and an end. And it needs to be in writing so everyone knows what page their all on.  It's real important to set an end date right when you do the sale. ...
  6. D

    Newest Additions--Not Cattle

    OMG, so cute!!  Nubians?
  7. D

    Shorthorn Plus Fall 08 Bull Calf...

    <<Thanks Dori, I appreciate the honest response!  I am confident that his type will appeal to some commercial operators, but my big question is how many will he appeal to being red with the potential to sire some chrome & lots of hair?        RE his potential in the Lowline World... I'm...
  8. D

    Shorthorn Plus Fall 08 Bull Calf...

    And, at 3/8 he isn't eligible to show in the percentage Lowline classes.  I think they have to be at last 50% to show but can be registered with 25% or more.  Don't ask what I think of that goofy newer rule!  TJ, with just what the pictures say to me, I'd agree that he's plenty thick but a bit...
  9. D

    New Red Angus calf

    I was thinking the same thing, Terry.  Although I have had good luck using calf tags even on my teeny little Lowline calves.  My choice are Ztags (Farnhan, now, I believe).  What a nice pair, btw!  And how cool that the heifer popped him out w/no problems!  68 lb birthweight is great.  Hope he...
  10. D

    building a website

    You're right.  It's only as good as what is being asked to be included. 
  11. D

    Looks like Illinois wins the big prize!!! N/C

    The good news is that Standish, Michigan, won't be hosting them!  Even about half the people of Standish didn't want them moved there even thought their unemployment is HIGH and their prison has closed.  Good grief, trying to provide jobs sometimes makes people sell their souls, not to mention...
  12. D

    building a website

    I just had EDJE update/refresh my original site which was built by their now-partners, C.O.W.S.  I love it and found working with then was easy and trouble free.  I had in the past questioned their responsiveness but have nothing but good things to say about my most recent experience.  You can...
  13. D

    How cold before you start plugging in your truck

    I parked it with its "butt" to the wind to keep the blowing snow out of the front end, not because I thought it would get "cold" with its face in the wind!  C'mon!!  I'm somewhat smarter than that.
  14. D

    How cold before you start plugging in your truck

    Outside or under cover?  Diesel or gas?  If it's inside/diesel, I plugged in at anything below 20.  It it's gas, I don't usually plug in at all.  Outside/diesel, pretty much anything under freezing. And I tried to park it with it's "butt" to the wind.
  15. D

    100% Dehorning Shorthorn Bulls

    I believe you can.  I know Pfizer has a test for the polled gene.
  16. D

    Rent my Farm

    Hope it's ok to post this here.  If not, move me, Jason!  I'd like to rent my Michigan farm starting Spring, 2010.  I have some flexibility as to furnished or not and when to start the rental period.  Here's a little slide show of it.  It's 15 acres with good corrals, pasture, completely fenced...
  17. D

    Angus Heifer

    Amazingly, my internet connection got screwed up right in the middle of the bidding for her!!!  Glad I wasn't a bidder who had paid for the privilege!  Anyway, I'm only guessing, but based on where the bidding was when I lost it and how long they'd been bidding on her, I'd guess around $2500. ...
  18. D

    Looking to get opinions

    Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but is the steer photoshopped in the front?  Somehow, he doesn't look quite "right" from throat to brisket.  Basically, I think your animals are tip top quality!  But if the steer has been cleaned up digitally, I'd like to see him au natural.
  19. D

    Do "High Powered Catalogs" scare people away?

    Interesting thoughts.  I used to think the same way - that the cattle would be way over my head.  But, I've found in reality that many times after the first few (the "spotlight lots") have sold, I'm able to make a good buy.  My bigger worry is that in some cases, the bids aren't really coming...
  20. D

    My Sympathy To Road Warrior - INFO

    There are no words to express how sorry I am for your loss.  My prayers, and those of all the "Planeteers" are with you. Dori