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  1. D

    What do ya think?!

    You have a good eye, Matt!  I like 'em.  What are the breds bred to?
  2. D

    And people ask why we show cattle?

    You can't get a much more wholesome atmosphere than cattle work, imo.  I love her just getting in there and going to work!  A great family activity, for sure.  And, I can't ignore the apparently good natured heifer she's working on.  Bless the gentle ones!
  3. D

    Opinions on this guy please!

    It's always hard to make really good observations/comments just from a picture, but from the picture, his front seems to overshadow his backend.  I'd like to see a shapier round and more muscle expression all around.  I know he's just a yearling so has more growth to get, but I'd sure like to...
  4. D

    Angus Heifer

    Here's an Angus heifer that would, if I had the $, convince me to get back into Angus Cattle. She sells today in the Tennessee River Music Sale, in Ft. Payne, AL.  She's by Dunlouise Cortachy Boy and out of N Bar Enchantress U 139E.  If Ft. Payne sounds familiar, it's because it's the hometown...
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    Take a look at the heifers Matt Reinken just put up here and everyone'll catch Lowline fever! 
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    Not trying to be TOO nosy, here, but I'm confused.  Does this mean you're not offering them for sale?
  7. D

    What song should i use?

    Heck, no music on any websites except iTunes!
  8. D

    Possibly New Whitetail State record

    Definitely Mr. "Not-too-bright" at work here!
  9. D

    Wow, Taylor Swift n/c

    Yeah, but she'd have to share the "tallest" award with Lady Antebellum!!
  10. D

    Wow, Taylor Swift n/c

    I respect your view but I wonder how much "new" can be injected into country music before it's no longer "country", but rather just rock and roll?
  11. D

    opinions on these calves Thanks!!

    I think they both have a lot going for them.  I agree that the first steer appears in the pic to be a little shorter from hooks to pins, but I LOVE his front extension.  It makes him a very fancy steer and an eye catcher.  Since I like fancy, even in a market class, I'd probably go for #1.
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    Welcome to the best livestock community on the net.  Lots of good info here and friendships being made, as well.  What kind of cattle/horses are you raising/loving?
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    Hope it moves east for you, GoWyo.  Otoh, my friend who ranches at Simla, CO, would shoot me for wishing that on them!  I've been wondering what part of the state you're in!
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    How many cows do you run?

    Your husband must be a 'real' cattleman!  The first thing I learned when I first moved to Wyoming and worked on a 'real' (make that 'large) cattle ranch is that you never ask a rancher how many cattle they run nor how many acres they ranch.  It's like asking somewhat what their net worth is. ...
  15. D

    What do you think of this heifer?

    Wow!  Nice goin' w/Brook!  Do you know who owns the red G Ch heifer?
  16. D

    What do you think of this heifer?

    Really nice, Nancy!  Did she end up going Grand % at the NILE?  I wonder if the owner will be bringing her to the NAILE next month?
  17. D

    Project I just finished

    I sure like the idea!  I might put bigger wheels on it as I can't imagine wheeling the one pictured in the kind of snow we get in Michigan or even on bumpy/muddy ground.  I'm also curious what the frame is made of?  If you add a couple more bars and "heavy it up" a little, could you just leave...
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    Shot in the dark....

    Maytag!  (clapping)
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    Something odd happened today.

    That's an example of why in my small herd, where I usually left in my bull nearly year around, I pulled him about a month before the cows were due to calve.  That hormone surge is just as "magnetic" to a bull as it is when the females are open and cycling.  It can pose some danger to the...
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    Shot in the dark....

    I'm sorry, too!  I just re-sent it to you.  Let me know if you get it this time!