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  1. Show Dad

    Red Angus bull calf

    What age is he? Scrotal? CE, WW and YW? Are you going to 50K him? I love the set to his rear legs. Nice neck extension. SD <alien>
  2. Show Dad

    Sullivan's Bodyguard / Ringworm Question

    I too had a bad strain of ringworm hit two years ago and had to rethink everything. I went to Target and bought some generic Vagisil. The poor checkout gal just had to ask me if I really needed 8 tubes, to which I replied that at my house the fungus had hit the "girls" hard! Anyway I treated...
  3. Show Dad

    Our Red Angus bull

    I do believe you have the "best" real world going Stu! He is the real thing not just show fluff. Liked him at Fort Worth last year (and we were showing two of our own)! Besides Stu has a top notch banner holder! Congrats to all! SD <alien>
  4. Show Dad

    Is Aging a new problem?

    DISCLAIMER: Please no one take this as a personal dig but an insightful rhetorical question proffered to provoke thought and discussion. So are judges saying that they are comfortable with making their decisions based on inaccurate or fraudulent information? And then judges wonder why some...
  5. Show Dad

    Is Aging a new problem?

    There is a day coming when they will take a swab of an animals spit and be able to tell its age with in 5 days of its birth. And do it almost instantly. It will be interesting to see how many shows and associations won't adopt such tech. Just say'n SD <alien>
  6. Show Dad

    Red angus-black angus

    Boy, they sure allow a lot of white......Just say'n SD <alien>
  7. Show Dad

    Red angus-black angus

    It will take place the day the AAA can't pay their bills..... SD <alien>
  8. Show Dad

    online sale lookers

    I to can tell you from the buyer's side that I have done similar to what Tallcool1 has. I found me a trader and told him what we were looking for and let him do all the looking. We got two quality heifers that when he told me what they cost I was pleasantly surprised. Needless to say the days of...
  9. Show Dad

    What are you going to pay for bulls this year?

    The one I bought $6000 (Red Angus). The two we raised, less than $1000. If I was younger I would sell all my bulls and run a top notch ET recip herd. <alien> SD
  10. Show Dad

    Cool windmills

    Just for you my friend, I dug through the archives and found this one from back in the day. Now how we got caught on film and what happened to the photographer remains classified. But that is one cool windmill! SD <alien>
  11. Show Dad

    Selling animals with a right to flush

    Did it once, won't do it again. Breeder (everyone said that they were a reputable bunch) got so upset that i wouldn't let cow go from a January calver to a May. So finally I reluctantly gave in (not at my convenience). Then was told it had to be done at a facility over 250 miles away. I said I...
  12. Show Dad

    Why show steers

    AMEN!! Or even more difficult is finding someone to listen, after they bought one, to your honest appraisal!! Just say'n SD
  13. Show Dad

    Our Son Keaton Christensen, Serious accident

    Brent, what great news! Be sure that you and those taking care of Keaton take time to recoup themselves. SD <alien>
  14. Show Dad

    Our Son Keaton Christensen, Serious accident

    Keaton's continued recovery and progress is truly great news! We will continue to keep him and your family in our prayers. SD <alien>
  15. Show Dad

    Which Blower is best?

    I have a boss pro and used to have an air express III. Boss pulls to many amps (17-21) so flips breakers but air velocity is 30% + better than the AE3. retired it to the barn. AE3 had issues from the get go, out the box only one switch worked, then after 3 months hose started separating, and...
  16. Show Dad

    E- Scrabble

  17. Show Dad

    E- Scrabble

  18. Show Dad

    Our Son Keaton Christensen, Serious accident

    CAB our prayers are with Keaton and your family.
  19. Show Dad

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    Our society is so vested in immediate return that "paying our dues" or "finding out who the players are" is considered an injustice. I understand that "putting in the time" might not fit in our schedules but don't be afraid to work. I too experience something like what has been discussed hear...
  20. Show Dad

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    OHB haven't they outlawed your bulb? ;) ;) SD <alien>