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  1. jbzdad

    Hard Whiskey & BBBN X.

    the best heifer we had this spring was an "x",, born unassisted to a blue roan recip 88 pounds .. I would not use him on heifers or small second calvers
  2. jbzdad

    Pregnant Reciep

    1200 for cow 200 days x 2.50 feed maybe 150? 100 for Meds and embryologist So if 1/2 of embryos take you are at 2400 with no " profit"... except if she is raising a calf you get that expense covered Kevin Deniston in Scott City might do it for you but if I was him I would supply the...
  3. jbzdad

    Shorthorn question

    so could that be my answer to these taller maine females that need more " middle" ? what about semen availability .. red reward says not available ? can you post a pic of your heifer?
  4. jbzdad

    Shorthorn question

    so can I ask the question a different way? are any of the solid red shorthorn bulls that are good  still registered as maine or maintainer and is semen available?
  5. jbzdad

    Any solid red shorthorn / Maine bulls available to make show heifers?

    I am afraid if I go red angus cross on the taller flatter maine cows I will loose hair and bone still looking for capacity , soundness etc
  6. jbzdad

    wrong board last time, do over... Maine bull "connector " question

    wow.. that is an old post. I can't remember why I was looking... but I don't think I found out anything... It was probably about what maine bulls can add volume and better leg length ratio... my current best guess is No worries. But I have a Statesman daughter that looks pretty good and may be a...
  7. jbzdad

    feeding sale calves

    PM6 is a grass mix from Sharp seed in Healy kansas .. usually grown under irrigation and fetrilized.. it is leafy and fine stemmed.. this is the first cutting and it has some weeds and volunteer triticale in it... the calves are eating the fire out of it.. it tested 10.6 protein the mix from...
  8. jbzdad

    feeding sale calves

    I was able to get some PM6 grass hay.. they are eating a lot of that.. it is 11 percent protein .. then some corn based finisher from the local mill.. calves look really good..way better than prior years
  9. jbzdad

    who sells small grain auger

    when I was growing up we had a 3-4 inch auger with a small electric motor to move grain .. mostly just to lift it 4-6 feet .. seems like it was 10 feet long... are those available anymore? who sells them (retail )
  10. jbzdad

    Bulls that add frame.

    look at yello Repo... I think he does add some depth .. but I don't think he will upsize a lot.. Yardley Captain is a recent bull that is available from the owners... I am trying him but won't know much until next year or two
  11. jbzdad

    North central Pennsylvania

    Regarding Gettysburg... when we visited a few years ago they had some guys who understood the history that would drive your car on a tour and tell you about the sites... It was 50 bucks and was worth 10 times that... they know the history and bring it to life for you.. I learned history lessons...
  12. jbzdad

    Honest opinion

    I agree with those guys... where are you from? in most locations you can buy a " county fair steer" for a couple hundred over market... right now that is probably 1200 bucks.. if you will disclose where you live we can probably come up with names for you of guys who could help... it costs no...
  13. jbzdad

    vaginal tear

    I have had 2 or three ... the most noticable finding is yellow tissue protruding from the vagina after delivery.. in general the yellow tissue seems to pull back in over 1-3 weeks after delivery... it is caused by vaginal wall tearing during a hard pull .. the yellow material is the fatty   ...
  14. jbzdad

    Conventional ET vs IVF with reverse sort

    I think it depends on how many recips yoy have and if you can break even on the calves you are not looking for... if you are breeding for heifers but can break even with banding the bulls and selling them as steers (and you have ample recips) then it doesn't make sense to sort the embryos If...
  15. jbzdad

    Cows' Vulva Expanding

    I think that is a cystocele... the bladder sits ventral (think in front if the cow stands like a human or below if she stands like a cow).. the rectum is opposite that usually neither of these bulges into the vagina because of supporting ligaments . These ligaments can be stretched or torn by...
  16. jbzdad

    Easy keeping maine genetics?

    I was on the Yardley home page yesterday ... He says some of those bulls are easier fleshing but I couldn't find semen at the usual locations .. I will call him
  17. jbzdad


    I agree that threr is little downside to trying her again BUT I think our luck with getting them re-bred the first year is far less than the non c-section cows probably 50% open versus 6-10%
  18. jbzdad

    Easy keeping maine genetics?

    our cows get grass in the late summer and then go to cornstalks.. when they come off cornstalks they are in confinement from late feb thru eary june for calving and rebreeding ... we have been weaning Aug 1.. I have needed to split off the "hard doers" for some TLC to try and keep their body...
  19. jbzdad

    Easy keeping maine genetics?

    It would be nice if the bulls mentioned in replies  were somewhat available
  20. jbzdad

    Easy keeping maine genetics?

    I originally posted this question in 2012... I think it is worth re-posting... is anyone seeing an answer to this question? "I know those of us trying to raise a maine show heifer use creep and I have been known to even add some grain to cows from time to time to try to keep condition up... my...