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  1. jbzdad

    scales are expensive but really informative

    In regard to the limited edition steer... It is a heifer breeding that was born a bull.. That and the Suh Bulls... I didn't find any takers to buy him as a bull so finally cut him a month ago... we had a smaller frame show steer (Butterscotch) here that needed a little more to eat but wouldn't...
  2. jbzdad

    scales are expensive but really informative

    We bought a Cattle e quip manual chute with an alley and attatched a home built swing gate to it.. the dealer had a used Gallagher heavy duty scales that went under it It is on concrete in the shed... we leveled it with boards an screwed a board to the concrete to keep it from moving forward...
  3. jbzdad

    scales are expensive but really informative

    I only have a few cows so it has been hard to scrape together enough funds to buy a scale and chute system but finally got it done this spring.. I think I have about 7 K in the set up and even more if you count the barn it lives in we have a few steers , heifers and bull calves at my place for...
  4. jbzdad

    Maine Bulls

    I am much happier with my Suh calves than the maine man... more depth and easier doing... dog gentle also
  5. jbzdad


    I think I-80 will give you a little more depth...I would consider him also... I used Armada (an I-80) son out of a 1/2 simmental to try to get more depth... calves are due in march
  6. jbzdad

    Frozen Ears

    sullivan supply has calf ear muffs... I think wrapping them with coban would work better coban and "vet wrap" are the same things
  7. jbzdad

    Comfort Zone vs Daddy's Money

    <party>A year from now there will be a lot more reports around
  8. jbzdad

    Please help with Heifer Feed Ration

    <party>A gravity flow trailer and buying in bulk saves labor and money
  9. jbzdad

    Please help with Heifer Feed Ration

    <party>Figure 140 days x 30 lbs is two tons
  10. jbzdad

    Please help with Heifer Feed Ration

    The coop op in Healy Kansas has a grower ration and a finisher ration.... The coop in Dodge city has a finisher ration Rage in price from 815 to 9 per bag.  Corn,distillers cottonseed hull pellets etc All are good feed but not " name" feed For slightly more than 1/2 that feed you could get...
  11. jbzdad

    Rumor Mill Calves UPDATE

    Here is ours out of a Jazz cow... it was really cold when she was little and her ears are kinda short... but really fuzzy
  12. jbzdad

    out of the way place and lesser known producers

    I just listed these calves in the Classified... They are going to sell in a bid off format rather than an on- line sale or big producers sale ... do you think they will bring more selling this way or on-line after you subtract that 20 percent?
  13. jbzdad

    First calf heifers

    I think it is really difficult to talk about weaning weights with clubby producers... they typically wean early and before that start creep our calves are March borns and have already been weaned a month I got them to the scales last week and the 2 bulls weighed 530avg... the remainder averaged...
  14. jbzdad

    two stage weaning

    This calf has been pulled off 2 weeks... I opened some gates to spray weeds and look back and this is going on Is this what they call 2 stage weaning or just a strong maternal instinct
  15. jbzdad

    The last fair and one last shot (picture added)

    congratulations on a great fair... all that work pays off sometimes... would love to see the pics
  16. jbzdad

    Implanting Eggs

    that is what we do  getting about 70 percent so far
  17. jbzdad

    Bulls that went to Denver-2014

    we used armada 3/4 maine 1/4 simmi and no worries... also yellow repo and GVC twitter... 9 months is a really long time!
  18. jbzdad

    Advice for an Online sale

    The sale ad will feature 3 thumbnails ... they shoud represent your offering... ie  if you are selling steers and breeding heifers have both represented in the ad... I won't dig thru a sale to see if the last few offerings are heifers, bred cows , bullos etc... you would be better to have 2...
  19. jbzdad

    Gabe Brown, Neil Dennis

    ntkob...I pm you about this topic.  Would appreciate a response if you see this