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  1. jbzdad

    Steer Planet - New Website and App - Coming Soon!

    seems like before if you "hovered" over a thread it would show the first few words ....this helps me remember if I already read the thread and was interested looks like that is not happening right now  did I imagine this?
  2. jbzdad

    Any Rumor mill calves?

    yep... Willow when you get tired of her she would love it here in windy western kansas
  3. jbzdad

    Show heifer bulls

    new names rumor mill,Hard whiskey,we have a maine man heifer that I kinda like... mercedes benze will clean up a front... for tubular cows might consider BK unlimited power...I like to keep the show listings from the Maine show at NWSS  would look there but can't find it,,, tru line and BPF and...
  4. jbzdad

    Any Rumor mill calves?

    I love a cow in her working clothes... sh gets an A plus in my book... especially since you said she is raising her calf and milking well
  5. jbzdad

    Just a heifer pic... this heifer placed 2nd today at the jackpot show

    Thanks for all your comments.. in regard to the market heifer suggestion.. this girl's future is as a cow... they will have to get her plenty fat to show as a breeding heifer  (fatter than I'd prefer) but it would not be my choice to push her to market heifer fat... we would hope to get her bred...
  6. jbzdad

    Just a heifer pic... this heifer placed 2nd today at the jackpot show

    from Mid continent farms...Hoo's Bad (HooToox Debs Girl)x power plus/ Jolt
  7. jbzdad

    Just a heifer pic... this heifer placed 2nd today at the jackpot show

    .. Judge thought she should be a little more extended... I can see that really like her rib and  thickness... the girl showing her is doing a great job with her.. dontcha love that pink stick
  8. jbzdad

    I-80 calf pictures, please.

    That is a nice bull calf  .. smooth front... shaped right... will be a nice bull... kinda interesting... may be difficult to find a buyer just because of how many  I-80 heifers are gonna get kept... but I really like him... you might get him his own thread some time... would like to hear some...
  9. jbzdad

    Cows in heat??

    try to not switch the ration around ... try to keep the environment as stable as possible
  10. jbzdad

    I was feeling ambitious over spring break...

    good job with photoshopping and picturing!  subjects are posed appropriately and centered  ... background cleaned up nicely    nice group of herefords ... should make some great recips!!! I know those are fighting words .. just couldn't resist... they really are nice females and anyone would...
  11. jbzdad

    I am looking for a calving ease bull to add frame

    mitten man will make em grow... not so sure about the front end
  12. jbzdad

    what are we going to breed all these I-80 heifers to?

    yep.. it is late and I am tired  looks like 385675 NDSC MT shooting star is  a 3/8...and birthdates are wrong
  13. jbzdad

    Sooner son or Ali grandson with proven milk and good udders

    Knabe ... my response to this was to start a thread about I-80 heifers and breeding choices for them... do you have any idea about I -80 udders or milk production?
  14. jbzdad

    what are we going to breed all these I-80 heifers to?

    Raymond  ... check the add... AMAA number 385675 is 3/8... this matters if you are trying to keep ofspring around 3/4
  15. jbzdad

    what are we going to breed all these I-80 heifers to?

    just so you all know... some of these suggestions are less than 50 percent maine and some are PHAC
  16. jbzdad

    opinions on shorthorn plus heifer

    looks like groceries have been in short supply there... she was a late spring bred so I understand why you held her back to be a fall would have really needed to push her to get her ready to breed last summer I like blues and think she will make a nice cow for you...wish we had a...
  17. jbzdad

    what are we going to breed all these I-80 heifers to?

    since most of the calving ease Maine sires are Ali sons or grandsons what are we going to use for breedings on these I-80 daughters??? 50 percent or better maine Pistol Pete bodybuilder if willing to use Ali ... Striker, Maybe BPF comfort Zone the list looks pretty short... what are you guys...
  18. jbzdad

    Doing a school project, need ideas and data concerning cattle

    even simpler would be just to plot weight vs age with age being between 170 and 220 days... that should give you a pretty decent looking distribution... if you had say 75 birthdates and weights all on the same date you could then calculate the age in days and graph it ... That is how the breed...
  19. jbzdad

    any opinions welcome

    Ii that a mass of tissue where the tail ought to be?  If so this is probably some type of neural tube defect... kind of like a meningiomyelocele... I don't know if there is a heritable disorder in RA with neural tube defects?