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  1. Chap

    Ladies of the Fall pics and videos are up

    a few more lot 14 Amen x Carnac Lot 15 BC Classic x Grizzly x Macho x Angus Lot 18 Carpe Diem x Bullseye click on the link to see them all and the videos thanks for looking and i would love to here some feedback. Chap
  2. Chap

    Ladies of the Fall pics and videos are up lot 1 Bleedin Purple x Irsih Whiskey - Maintainer Lot 8 Entourage x Carpe Diem - Foundation Simmental Lot 10 Unforgiven x Last Straw Lot 12 Eye Candy x Heat Wave x Kroupa G1
  3. Chap

    Ladies of the Fall - sneak peak!/pages/Sugar-Creek-Farms/186625761386930 check out our Facebook page for videos on all lots on the Ladies of the Fall Elite femaile sale hosted by on 11/4/12. If in eastern IA stop by the farm just 4 miles...
  4. Chap

    Ladies of the Fall - sneak peak

    24 lots of open heifers.  Breeds include High Maine, Maintainer, Chi, Foundationi Simmi, Angus and crossbreds. 
  5. Chap

    Ladies of the Fall - sneak peak

    Kevin Mears will be up on Wednesday to get pics and videos of the 24 heifers we have on the sale November 4th on Here is a sneak peak cell phone pic of lot 13. Tycoon x Meyer 734, March open heifer.
  6. Chap

    Let's hear some calf reports.

    We got along very well with Eye Candy and BIM this year,  We bred back to both and sprinked in a few MAB. 
  7. Chap


    great looking set Freddy.  Good luck on your sale
  8. Chap

    Tipton, IA show

    Please find the sponsorship letter attached if anyone would like to help sponsor this great show.  As most of you are aware, this type of show does take a continuing amount of support and anyone that has attended can attest to the great job they do of getting it put together. 
  9. Chap

    Tipton, IA show

    The flyer is attached
  10. Chap

    Tipton, IA show

    Blake Sievers Memorial Show will be on 10/13/12 at Tipton, IA - Judge is Brad Hook Kirkwood Hoof and Horn show is on Sunday the 14th  and will be sorted by Chris Wilson. i will have a flyer pretty soon and will post on here when i have it in my hands.  a great show weekend in Eastern IA . as a...
  11. Chap

    Best Full Flush son?

    Rick Frye has a bull called Pitch Black who was a PHA Free full brother to The Godfather.  i have used him some in the past few years and really like the calves.  more moderate and bigger bellied than most flush genetics and they are super looking females
  12. Chap

    The state of the planet

    in a few words..... Grow UP!  if you aren't a grown up, please try to act like one,  if you are a grown up... ACT YOUR AGE!  best ask yourself if you would talk to your boss, mother or father the way you are responding to a post or asking a question, if you cannot answer that question with a...
  13. Chap

    Kicking Hiefer

    i am having the same issue with our heifer.  shown since September and never kicked and now she is taking swipes at me.  I need to cure her pretty fast because she has my 10 year old pretty spooked now.  I have done the water thing and she doesn't move then, seems to do it in spurts and then...
  14. Chap

    farm facebook pages!/pages/Sugar-Creek-Farms/186625761386930
  15. Chap

    Afterhours - new Irish Whiskey son from SCF

    wasn't really looking to get pics  of Afterhours, but he just kept showing up in the photos.  Thiese were taken on 6/5/12.  first pic is Eye Candy steer with Afterhours in the background 2nd pic is Afterhours in love with a Covino III granddaughter
  16. Chap

    2012 SCF spring calf preivew

    snapped a few more last night.  tag 405 is BIM heifer on Deiter ChiAngus cow.  Tag 1061 is BIM steer on Deiter ChiAngus
  17. Chap

    Afterhours - new Irish Whiskey son from SCF

    We don't have much for a bank on him. We only put up a couple hundred units to start,  and he is now running with cows.  I would contemplate the idea, if we have sufficient interest,  this fall after we pull him off cows.
  18. Chap

    Afterhours - THF/PHAF Irish Whiskey x DR Who/Imprint

    Afterhours - THF/PHAF Irish Whiskey x DR Who/Imprint Semen now available on Afterhours.  THF/PHAF Irish Whiskey x Dr Who/Imprint.  3/8 Maine Anjou, registration # 425419.  Available thru Cattle Visions or owners More Information
  19. Chap

    Afterhours - new Irish Whiskey son from SCF

    Afterhours semen is now available.  Contact Cattle Visions or owners for your needs.  we have a limitied amount available as he is now out with cows and proving to be a very aggressive breeder with great libido.
  20. Chap

    2012 SCF spring calf preivew

    a few more 28 - Monopoly x Lifeline steer 684 and 859 - Eye Candy x char/angus bull and BT Crossover son x Ali/Imprint steer