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  1. W

    JASS On The Mark

    CAB, I've seen about 4 in various sales this fall. They are all nice looking calves, good fronted and look to be pretty thick. I have not seen any in person.
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    Does anyone have the results from the Silver Towne Farms Dispersal they can post

    Pretty sure that is the bull they were thing to sell in 20 unit minimums at 100 a straw or something absurd like that. I was interested till I saw that. Still have the flyer though, just in case the price drops.
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    Simmental breeding opinions

    Wynona16, the heifer is sound and is plenty flashy IMO, she could go back to something a little more "cowy" I'd think. Mark, I've talked to Gargan some about RR. I have some in the tank and he's on the list as well.
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    SAC Conversation

    Will see this coming spring how it went. This cow is pretty maternal IMO, was hoping to add a shot of style to her.
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    Simmental breeding opinions

    CRS we must think a like. A few of those are on my list. Bullseye is a tank of a bull!
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    SAC Conversation

    She flushed 7 good ones. I believe my partner put 5 in. We also flushed her to 20-20 and got like 12 or so. I got a few of those in as well. I'm anxious to get them on the ground!
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    feeding corn silage to cows

    The hum of the chopper or the sound of corn blown against the back of a metal wagon, the sound of a 1066 on the blower blowing silage up a silo, the sound of the unloader unloading the best smelling feed ever made, and the cows coming at a run to belly up. Yup, I miss every aspect of silage...
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    Simmental breeding opinions

    Another Pic, is a mod able to turn these things to the correct position?
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    Simmental breeding opinions

    Going to be a few months before I need to bred this one, but I like to think about things like this well in advance.  I have few bulls in mind, but to keep it completely unbiased I will keep them to myself for now.  This heifer is a Pays to Believe x Steel Force 3/4 blood, that needs a better...
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    SAC Conversation

    Really like that calf CRS!
  11. W

    Estrous Synchronization/Anestrous

    CRS, we try to set everything up, except donors, for ET. This year after the protocol I had one cow show a sign of heat and the vet said it was weak and he didn't feel comfortable putting an egg in her. We use vitaferm concept-aide year round, multi-min 90 at CiDR implant time, feed good quality...
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    Estrous Synchronization/Anestrous

    YES! I had a horrible year this year. I run a small herd yet and rely on ET and AI work to move forward. Not a single one of my recipes were good and the vet commented on the type of spring being at fault. So 3 or 4 AI bred and no embryos makes for a pretty disgusted me.
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    Help me choose a bull, Style vs. Insight

    I crossed a sim on an Insight. Cow is dang good and bred her to a Pilgrim son. Calf is pretty badass. Big bodied and soggy, she should my kind of cow.
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    SSC Shell Shocked 44B

    Looking good FSR, I have a red march Shell Shocked steer that looks pretty cool too.
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    A few calf pics

    Thanks Mark, hoping she will be at Md State fair this summer. Ya know, you and Gargan are close enough. Y'all should come up some time.
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    A few calf pics

    Thanks Gargan. I think that Pilgrim sons calf is good too. She and her mother should be here by the end of the month.
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    A few calf pics

    The pilgrim son calf
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    A few calf pics

    Not much field work or planting going on here this rainy evening and probably won't be for quite some time. So I figured I'd post a few pics of calves we like for y'all to see. If you have any questions ask away. The first is an early Jan HPF Optimizer. We think she is going to make an awesome...