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  1. M

    2011 Ugly Calf Contest

    Were aiming for a blue roan - and got one.  ::) Can we send her back for a new paint job?
  2. M

    CNN & Animal Rights -

    Done. Thanks for the heads up DL
  3. M

    Chill Factor X Ohlde Angus 2 yr old

    This is a steer planet recycle originally purchased from Hangonsloopy in Ohio. He's now two yeas old and slightly used but still moderate, sound and very gentle. Photos are of his first calf (weighed 79 pounds) at 1 day of age. Asking $1500. Good, fault-free bull.
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    Birhday Greeetings

    My daughter thinks she's a comedian. (clapping) Notice the date. Guess I'll need to change the password. Does anybody else get grief from their family for spending  too much time on the planet?
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    Birhday Greeetings

    Please wish Maines in Pa a happy 50th birthday. Happy Birthday!  <cowboy> (clapping)
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    OCC Legend & BC Lookout

    Have one Legend first calf heifer doing a very nice job with a Gigolo Joe heifer calf. Beautiful udder, There will be more Legend females here, but I'll use him on good milking cow families. The other Legend female we own (pictured below) was reserve Champ Maintainer at the 2010 PA Farm Show.
  7. M

    Clean stout white SH bulls?

    Thanks for all the replies. My daughter and I will sit down an take a serious look at your suggestions. BTW - Shortdog, if you lived closer I'd take you up on the offer. That bull looks cool! Thanks again everyone.
  8. M

    Clean stout white SH bulls?

    My daughter decided she wants to shoot for a blue roan out of her PB Maine BK Power Plus cow. Cow is about a frame 6, correct, and reasonably deep. She has worked well with Ali in the past. Birthweight has not been an issue on this cow's first 5 calves - all <80 pounds and unassisted. Looking...
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    Johnny Walker Red

    Thanks Part-Timer. I just emailed the picture to my vet. We'll see what he has to say.
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    Johnny Walker Red

    I did have a calf similar to this in 2003 (Hairy Crumb) and two other calves in the past that would buck over if they stood too long. Did some record checking, and they're all from the same cow family.  Makes you think there might be a genetic component? You folks that raise a bunch of club...
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    Johnny Walker Red

    This guy is almost a month old.  don't think splints will do him any good at this point. When he first gets up after lying down he's not quite as bad, but any length of time on his feet and he just bucks over worse and worse. His right front has gotten slightly better the past few days, but...
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    Johnny Walker Red

    Look something like this? I have a heifer too that's will hopefully be OK, but she's plenty straight too. Kind of glad the some of the other cows I bred him to missed.
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    CMAC Tyson

    I always like seeing pictures of OPC (other people's cattle) on here and finally got a chance to post some fairy recent pictures of the Tyson bull we're using for clean-up in 2010. He's a purebred out of Polled Energizer cow and was Reserve Champ Maine bull at the PA Farm show. Not especially...
  14. M

    Just the facts ma'm Katie can't get them

    Thanks Lana. We all need to study this response and be prepared to defend our industry. Anti-antibiotic legislation is riding he fast rail.  (dog)
  15. M

    Maine Steer

    Another steer consigned to the KILE sale.  This one's out of a Meyer son x Maine cow.
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    Maine Steer

    Sent you an email. Thanks for the interest. Bob
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    Maine Steer

    Here's a video of the Money Man  x Strictly Business heifer that was under "Extreme Makeover" in the Big Show a while back.  She's also consigned to the KILE sale in Harrisburg, PA on Oct. 3, but I'll price her off the farm prior to the sale.
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    Extreme Makeover

    Rain, sunshine, good grass and hairy genes. She did have a good coat of mud on her before she was washed. Maybe that had something to do with it. :)
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    Extreme Makeover

    Thanks.  I kinda like her too.  She's a Money Man x Strictly Business out of a first calf heifer.  We probably shouldn't be selling her, but you can't keep them all.
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    Center for Beef Excellence Link

    The Pennsylvania Center for Beef Excellence ( is one of my wife's clients. She consented to adding a link to The Planet.  Lots of good beef-related info here. Bob