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    Brand New Purple Andis 2 speeds for Sale SOLD!!!!!

    I have a brand new set of the Andis 2 speeds for sale. Got them at Naile to try and have for a back up set. I am about to invest in a set of Laubes and make my lightspeeds my back ups spo these have to go. I have only used them once so if theres ever a deal heres one. These are 149.95 on...
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    Yeah I'm about to invest in a set of the 821's there basically like a set of lightspeed's times 10  <rock> . I would def get that rebuild kit though for sure.
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    haha man I wish, used a set of my buddies awhile back and loved them but those are lightspeeds. I actually really like the light in certain situations and others I don't but I only run high speed so I have the luxury of turning the light off.
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    tieing calves up??

    I stand them up at a comfortable show height and normally let them stay tied up for a couple hours, I usually repeat at night before I let them go as well after I wash and blow them out.
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    looking for a fitter check out the thread, theres some pictures of my work. PM me if you need help. I tried calling the number but it was a wrong number
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    Thanks for the compliments James, I'm def gonna try and make it to Houston this year and might be at Ft Worth so I'm gonna have to stop by and say hello for sure. let me know what type of calves your looking for I'm going up to the farm in the next couple weeks to sort through and pick out a set...
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    Opinions on holding steer

    Well this is what I have come up with as far as a formula. He is currently 1120 pounds and I set your target weight at 1350 (cut water and feed 24 prior to weigh in and suck some of him if fair allows) that means you have 230 pounds to gain in 160 days that puts your average daily gain...
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    Lol hey James! Yeah hopefully he's popping that hair back from this summer. Hows he doing?
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    Can Haul if needed. AL to Nebraska

    Leaving on the 14th towards Nebraska, can haul calves to or from. Pm if interested
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    whatcha think :)

    The angle of that photo actually reminds me of the photo taken of who made who as well lol
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    Believe I answered all pm's if I didnt get you I apologize pm and I will get back with you. Thanks
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    Straight calf

    If she's not real straight I would give her another shot, Honestly maybe breed her to something you know throws something with good structure. Just so you can see. Good luck with her Karlton
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    (clapping) amen to that. I'm in my twentys and need a bottle of motrin after a day of fitting I don't even want to think of what its going to be like down the road!!!! Why is it that cattle are so addictive???
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    I offer an old school clinic as well ;) glycerin bars for the legs and scissors for the clipping  (lol)
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    Clinics in your area!!!

    I have recently had alot of people interested in doing clinics in there area. In the past I have only done 4-5 clinics a year but have decidied that I am going to try and double that to 8-10 this year. The question is where would you like me to do them? I want to help as many people as I can and...
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    Building you own grooming chute?

    No problem kyfarmgirl you are one that fits in there stalls and thats fine, Just saying that about 95% of the people around you use chutes because its more convenient and not as stressful> Just think if you have a string of 8-10 head and you have four fitters trying to fit legs and need to take...
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    Building you own grooming chute?

    kyfarmgirl I'm not saying that what your saying is wrong and that it cant be done but walk around the Naile or Denver and count how many people are fitting with their cattle in the "stalls". I have seen so many homemade chutes that are quirky and not solidly built just to save some money. And...
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    Losing Hair

    Well them being outside and having access to direct light during the day doesn't help hair growth for sure, And if there not getting rinsed atleast 3-5 times a week then that could be a problem. They should have sheen put in there hair after rinsing as well. And I would use soap only once a week...
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    Losing Hair

    How many times do you rinse your calves a week? how many times do you use soap a week? Is your pens outside or in a barn? How many hours a day do your calves spend in direct sunlight? Are they Licking themselves? do they have lice? there are many factors but answer these questions and we"ll be...
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    Rocky Balboa mature pics?

    Haven't seen any mature pictures of him put I did see Redemption out at the Millers in Wyoming a few weeks ago and all I can say is WOW  <rock> he is the real deal