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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    What do you guys think?

    Here is a heifer we will be selling this weekend in the BCS sale in Manhattan, KS She is a FCC Legacy 32Y (Ash Vally Legacy x TM Gus's full sib) and a cow from Keith Lauer.  She had a BW of 78 lbs. Also we just got her in a few weeks ago and she is still really green.  She is a late March heifer.
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Masculinity in Shorthorns

    yup just like half of the male race.  If we keep it up they wont want to fight to protect their cows and will let just any ol bull come over and take them. <cowboy>
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Ash Valley Prestige 0665

    Had a really nice heifer by 0665 out of a Duty 7155 daughter while I was gone this weekend.  51lbs
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Masculinity in Shorthorns

    I agree, so many of the new bulls out there just look like heifers.  You shouldn't have to lift up a tail to tell if it is a bull.  Do you think that the push to produce the next great show heifer has caused this by only promoting the full brothers to those show females?  Doubt it helps much. 
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Opinions on Shorthorn Plus Heifer

    I agree, put some good feed into her and work that hair.  Like the thickness to her.  Are you showing her as a breeding heifer or Market heifer?
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Revival... Who is going?

    Hope to see you guys there. 
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    Doc Clark Daughter

    and here is a udder shot of a pb shorthorn by Doc that calved last week.  Pict was after a few days. 
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Doc Clark Daughter

    Here is a pict of a 3/4 blood Doc daughter.  Her calf is sired by a red angus bull.  74lb heifer that was born on tuesday.  This pict was taken yesterday. 
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    Revival... Who is going?

    Anyone else going to the Revival next week?  I will be up there Thursday checking out some other herds and then over to Frenches on Friday.  Even if you dont make it check out lots 54 and 54A.  Also here is a pict of the natural calf out of the recip that we are using.  Just to prove that she...
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Chipotle's new video...

    Also the billboard that said "feeding the world"  they are trying to associate this statement to this negative "big bad food company"  So when you see farmers and ranchers and other food companies using this in their advertising it will automatically get a negative response.  They paint all of...
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Sprinkles and Sparkles

    Great to hear about another generation of cattle lovers getting excited about it.  <party>
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    Ford's gone

    Turbos and injectors were the two biggies with the 6.0's quit buying oem stuff and go aftermarket.  Better power and fuel efficiency.  There is a reason that ford had to sue international over who was going to pay the warranty repairs on the 6.0
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    some one talk me down!

    Im sorry but no, when it comes to the miss handling of animals and it is causing them to suffer and die it is more than just a teachers problem.  Take it to the teacher if they don't do something about it take it to who ever you can.  You can not let the whole program get taken away for one...
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    Looking for a ride from Central US to Michigan for 1 cow

    I am looking for a ride for a recip from Any state surrounding Kansas including Iowa to Eastern Michigan this month.  Thanks
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    Meat quality question

    I had a simelar situation this spring.  Cow broke her back and we butchered her at the farm.  We kept all the roasts we could and they are great in a crock pot.  Burger was pretty dang good as well.  Didn't do any steaks though.  She was also like 2 1/2 yrs old.  Id do a few steaks on a heifer...
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24

    Thanks again, I dont know how he was fed.  He was at LCCC until he was weaned then up to Canada where he has spent the winter and summer this far. 
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24

    Thanks for the kind words.  I really liked this bull when I got up to Beaverton last year.  Didn't really plan on buying him didn't think that I could afford him, but when I got the chance to partner on him after I was pretty excited.  He wont be at Agribition but he will be in Toronto and some...
  18. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24

    no not this year.  He is up in Canada with High Ridge getting ready for the fall shows up there before he comes back down here to get ready for Denver.  He will be at state fair next year hopefully though.
  19. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24

    Here is the latest picture of our new Jr. Herd sire we own with High Ridge Farms and Little Cedara 24.  He is only 15 months in this pict.  With a bw to ww spread like no other bull I know of in the breed he could be a changer.  Im going to use him on my Doc Clark daughters at home and I think...