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    Capitalism vs Socialism - this is scary

    lol the U.S. is mixed market, combination of them
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    Steer Planet BB MADNESS - UPDATE - Winner Receives FREE Steer Planet T-Shirt!!!

    had no idea. last i heard was john wall going to UK? but that's sweet. hopefully, if it happens, they stay more than a year
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    UW River Falls Prospect Weekend

    Jason and I went up there to see the Kansas Chiefs awhile back. It's a really nice little town.
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    women and cattle

    Cookie dough sounds pretty darn good to me!!!  ;D
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    What books are you reading?

    You're probably right, but I just can't see myself reading that book.  :P
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    Jason and I were talking about installing a karma system where those with more karma can impact other people's karma more significantly. People on other message boards sometimes call it "Reputation," and it provides a lot of amusement. It might be difficult to install, but we'll see. 