A Country founded by geniuses but run by idiots!! N/C

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Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen. 

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen.Hitler galvanized starving people like Roosevelt did in the depression :but the information available to people today-and the general culture of affluance even to the unemployed,makes for a different world-and or outlook-at least here. I dont see blind frenzy like that in the cards in todayin this country There is alot less govt. bad stuff than there was in the 60s and 70s when I was growing up-with: 8-9 year old kids getting beaten with billy clubs trying to get to school and getting caught in the middle of a disturbance-or being pulled over,searched with no warrant-and having the S4566779t beat out of you by red neck fat pig cops because you were a young person. I was in jail overnight once in Prince Georges County Md-and it was like a war zone:people beaten really badly-after minor infractions. If open and obvious acts of that kind of thing happened today-it would be all over the media and the liberals would be protesting in droves:and maybe non-liberals along with them.. I really doubt that as sophisticated (in a general sense) as our military is-that they would turn against thier own people.And if ordered to do so too many times-theyd probably start fragging the brass. Now the rest of the uncivilzed world-THE RUGBEETER NATIONS,and the UGLIEST OF ALL Asian nations-North Korea,are a different subject O0


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen. 

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.  Literally, what are you gonna do?


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
You'd get off maybe three shots out of your 30 round clip if you were quick before hell rained down on your head.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen. 

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.   Literally, what are you gonna do?

It's not just about "what are you gonna do", it's about what you can do. No you are not going to defend yourself from tanks, but you never know what you might have to defend yourself from in the years a head of us, hopefully we will never have to find that out. The other side of the coin is our country rather they are trained or not is one of the largest militia in the world and capable of defending this country from outside aggressors. You think it is funny to hear people talk about defending our land or what not, I think it's just as asinine for people to not want to do anything! But I guess thats the times we are living in and why the entitlement programs rule the day.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007

I'm reading this stuff on my way back from the Army base at Ft Polk, LA where I've been working on a project all week.  National defense is very real to me and not hypothetical.  I am fortunate to have the money to be able to live nearly two hours from my office in Ft Worth.  You are fortunate to live in a relatively safe and rural part of Colorado.  But there is some awful, dysfunctional crap going on in our big cities like Denver and Dallas/Ft Worth.  I work with people that are conservative in every way but are honestly scared to death for their kids at school - and we havent had the incidents Colorado has.  Not everyone supporting yalls new law is extreme antigun.  We all know laws wont really work, but our gun groups ought to be trying to come up with realistic ideas to help.  We need to worry about today more than possibilities 50 or 100 yrs from now.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Here's an idea. Learn to involve people in communication and how to take a joke.

Involve people in debating skills and philosophy.  Point out circular logic.



Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado

All any of us want is a safe environment for our children to go to school with out having to be worried about some screw ball stopping and harming them. These laws just aren't going to do that and we both know that.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
... Run by idiots


Perhaps the teacher should have explored the curriculum by allowing students to step on a piece of paper with the teachers name on it , mohammed or the curriculum. That would have been more equal.

Amazing how circular logic is kept from prying eyes

Think of how easily the rest of the classes lay down for supposed authority.

Force will not even be necessary to overthrow this country.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
knabe said:
... Run by idiots


Perhaps the teacher should have explored the curriculum by allowing students to step on a piece of paper with the teachers name on it , mohammed or the curriculum. That would have been more equal.

Amazing how circular logic is kept from prying eyes

Think of how easily the rest of the classes lay down for supposed authority.

Force will not even be necessary to overthrow this country.
I agree knabe. I've heard my sister in law say that her grandpa said this country would be taken over and changed one day without a shot being fired! Doesn't seem to far fetched to me anymore!!

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen.  

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.   Literally, what are you gonna do?
Im sorry but that is what the 2nd amendment is about though.  Weather it is feasible or not isn't the question its what our right is.  Im sure glad that the founders of this country didn't have the mindset of we cant take on the goverment because they are to powerful and out gun us. 


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen. 

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.   Literally, what are you gonna do?

And that is why limiting types of guns is a bad idea, glad you see that.  Pretty sure that the natzi's had firepower much stronger than a normal rifle, shot gun or pistol.  But there is a reason they disarmed the Jews first.  Small arms are important.  Look at Vietnam in the past and the middle east right now.  Disarming a population is apparently more important than you realize. 

What is today's equivalent of a musket in the late 1700's? 


mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I think that the US military rolling down back roads in Kansas or thousands and thousands of miles of suburban streets taking yer guns is a little far fetched-and the rhetoric has now gotten to the point that the" govt is going to have some mass armed takeover of the US population or something"-give me a break; and I live 5 miles from one of the most guarded and documented facilities in the US-Mount Weather-a virtual underground city where the President and others go if there is a war. Yea-I've gone through there at night and been followed etc-and I thought that was a good thing.There is statistically a larger chance of a major (biological -bombs etc) terrorist strike within 50 miles of Washington DC than probably anywhere in the US-unless they do a diversionary deal and attack a shopping center in Iowa. The people who ACTUALLY see and deal with this kind of thing don't go out in public about it-and frankly-are one hell of alot busier monitering and quietly deterring serious threats to national security than they are planning some gun takeover involving millions of people.In fact-a cyber attack on a large scale is the way this country could be paralyzed without a shot.-As we speak-another atrocity in GA where a woman's toddler was shot because she diidn't have any money. Contrary to all the yacking her right to have a handgun has not been taken away-and maybe with the training and economic resources to have one-she could have fought back-and probably would not have made it against 2 shooters. The local authorities will arrest them and spend millions keeping them . Makes me wish for the old days-when they would have been hanging from a tree out in the woods-back when the govt. really would come after you-putting the FUN in funeral O0


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Davis Shorthorns said:
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen.  

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.   Literally, what are you gonna do?
Im sorry but that is what the 2nd amendment is about though.  Weather it is feasible or not isn't the question its what our right is.  Im sure glad that the founders of this country didn't have the mindset of we cant take on the goverment because they are to powerful and out gun us.  
THE CONSTITUTION IS SUBJECT TO AMENDMENTS.  There is NO right you think you have that can't be amended by a two-thirds vote of both the House of Representatives and the Senate followed by a ratification of three-fourths of the various state legislatures.  

commercialfarmer said:
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen.  

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.   Literally, what are you gonna do?

And that is why limiting types of guns is a bad idea, glad you see that.  Pretty sure that the natzi's had firepower much stronger than a normal rifle, shot gun or pistol.  But there is a reason they disarmed the Jews first.  Small arms are important.  Look at Vietnam in the past and the middle east right now.  Disarming a population is apparently more important than you realize.  

What is today's equivalent of a musket in the late 1700's?

The Natzi's were disarmed by other military forces; not by the civilians.  

Are you suggesting all 'types of guns' should be legal or civilians?

I don't see anyone trying to disarm the population.    

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
commercialfarmer said:
-XBAR- said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination.  It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!  If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history.  Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened.  Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others.  But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly.  Cough Cough Hitler.  Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people?  So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen. 

When the pigs roll down your street w/ M1 Abrams telling you to turn in your guns, let me know how those semi automatic rifles work out for you.  -  Obviously sarcasm but I can't help but laugh when you hear people talking about defending their land or whatnot against the govt if they try and outlaw guns.   Literally, what are you gonna do?

And that is why limiting types of guns is a bad idea, glad you see that.  Pretty sure that the natzi's had firepower much stronger than a normal rifle, shot gun or pistol.  But there is a reason they disarmed the Jews first.  Small arms are important.  Look at Vietnam in the past and the middle east right now.  Disarming a population is apparently more important than you realize. 

What is today's equivalent of a musket in the late 1700's?  //// Since when is the US  govt. going to unarm the population? They know and you know and everybody knows-that if you want to get weapons-youll find them. They are really only going to pass registration of new guns-and I would think that being experienced gunslingers,you could appreciate trying to have some control over people that may or may not be sane-or have the sensible use of firearms in mind-the second part"-use" is also part of what I believe is the NRAS platform-to keep people from hurting or killing someone or themselves-accidently or otherwise. If the Us Govt, decides to send the armed forces out and lock up millions of people (talk about welfare reform) you aint got a chance-musket or assault rifle-and its pretty presumptuous to even think that this is a terrified nation of starving people who will walk like cattle into camps or whatever. The most imminent danger to this country are small groups of losers like those morons in Michigan who decided that on a certain day they were going to rise up and take over the country.They went to jail (lucky for them) without a casualty:and probably lots of laffs by the arresting officers O0


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
i doubt the us gov or military will ever be responsible for carrying out the duty of disarming the us citizens. I think the united nations will get that duty. far fetched idea? maybe so, maybe not.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
chambero said:
You'd get off maybe three shots out of your 30 round clip if you were quick before hell rained down on your head.///  <party> <party> <party> (lol)
O0///     Best sentance yet-there again I seriously doubt anyone on here would confront group of soldiers ready to rumble O0

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Gargan said:
i doubt the us gov or military will ever be responsible for carrying out the duty of disarming the us citizens. I think the united nations will get that duty. far fetched idea? maybe so, maybe not.
/// Good luck with that-we are allways on the front lines all over the world. And because of the crashing world economy-they are backing down more and more O0


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
mark tenenbaum said:
Gargan said:
i doubt the us gov or military will ever be responsible for carrying out the duty of disarming the us citizens. I think the united nations will get that duty. far fetched idea? maybe so, maybe not.
/// Good luck with that-we are allways on the front lines all over the world. And because of the crashing world economy-they are backing down more and more O0

i hope ur right mark. the united nations is a shady organization. hope they self eradicat but i doubt they do with the super powers that bind it together. Also, the DHS (homeland security ) has recenty stockpiled 450mil rounds of .40 cal ammo. i find this a little puzzling as well.