The second amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting by any stretch of the imagination. It was about protection from your neighbor, neighboring countries, and worst case YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!! If you think that there is no way that something can happen here look back in history. Oh the US would never round up a group of people just because they oppose our views... Japanese internment camps during WW2 it happened. Gun control for 99% of people is about the safety of others. But it only takes one person to get into a position of power to change that very quickly. Cough Cough Hitler. Did anyone really think that one man in such a short time could completely change a country and round up and kill so many people? So maybe it is just sensationalized BS, but it doesn't mean it cant or wont happen.Hitler galvanized starving people like Roosevelt did in the depression :but the information available to people today-and the general culture of affluance even to the unemployed,makes for a different world-and or outlook-at least here. I dont see blind frenzy like that in the cards in todayin this country There is alot less govt. bad stuff than there was in the 60s and 70s when I was growing up-with: 8-9 year old kids getting beaten with billy clubs trying to get to school and getting caught in the middle of a disturbance-or being pulled over,searched with no warrant-and having the S4566779t beat out of you by red neck fat pig cops because you were a young person. I was in jail overnight once in Prince Georges County Md-and it was like a war zone

eople beaten really badly-after minor infractions. If open and obvious acts of that kind of thing happened today-it would be all over the media and the liberals would be protesting in droves:and maybe non-liberals along with them.. I really doubt that as sophisticated (in a general sense) as our military is-that they would turn against thier own people.And if ordered to do so too many times-theyd probably start fragging the brass. Now the rest of the uncivilzed world-THE RUGBEETER NATIONS,and the UGLIEST OF ALL Asian nations-North Korea,are a different subject O0