Best at what? You're not going to find many bulls that sire the show winners that perform commercially...I know some people say that line can be walked between both but I just don't think with the exceptions of a few cases that it can be done consistently. Going from that.... Showring for siring both bulls and heifers...Dream On was...I don't think it's profitable to use him anymore in most cases, particularly if you wind up with a bull calf, marketing those is getting harder and harder. Heifer wise I still think you'd be ok to use him. However, there some bulls that do a good job. ring winners, he had plenty, maybe not the sheer numbers that Dream On had but during his turn he did a darn good jobs and alot of bulls and heifers that do well go back to him as a MGS, and commercial or not I don't know of any other cow that I'd rather have than a Joker. Non=show side of it Preferred Beef & Above Par. All the above bulls mentioned(in my post) sire good structure..some just tend to focus more on the show side of it and some on the commercial side of it.
Now..that aside.. I personally will not use Dream On... As I said..when you go for the show ring side of it you sometimes tend to lose the commercial profitable end of it...I personally bought 6 Dream On daughters, all from different breeders, within a year of buying them all but one of them had to be sent back to the breeders or sent to the stockyard because they had problems reproductively, and non of those problems were related to being show animals and becoming too fat.. coincidence they were all sired by the same bull?? I think not.
Bulls that I do and would use instead are... Macho..on soft middle, deep bodied cows. Trademark, if you're looking to add guts and good spring of rib, he can deff work for you, and keep the good structure. Enhancer, def more for a show bull but calves out of him do have style to burn. Mo Better, adds loads of rib, excellent muscling, I would use him on cattle with plenty of bone and pretty good fronts. Momentum, Use on good fronted cattle, will add depth and power. I've also used Aces of Fortune and Montana Black with good results. Grandmaster.... I LOVE... cool pedigree, throws cool calves with loads of rib, good structure, of the better overall balanced bulls, crosses well with shorthorns and other breeds as well which is another high point for him..
Ones I would not use... Invasion, structure. In Dew Time, fertility and structure problems. Dream Catcher, he's been around a lonnng time and I have yet to see a true good one out of him. Built Right.. I have one good daughter of his that I like with the exception of.... too small...he throws them too moderate framed and will sure as heck put some extra white on them.
JMHO on a few..