I probably should not even respond here. I have started a response two or three times, and then quit. It was still on my mind when I was doing chores this morning,so here I am opening my big mouth again, and probably going to cause myself more trouble.
First of all, if you go back to the original posting, it says... " just wondering if anyone would be willing to take halters out of some pictures for me". A simple enough request in my mind. He did not request someone to make my cattle look thicker, deeper or cleaner fronted. His request was simple and precise. Is taking the halters out of the pictures deceiving? ABSOLUTELY NOT !!!!! I have been sitting here wondering how this thread got hijacked to where it ended up.
Advertising and promotion is extremely important in our business, just as it is in any other business.It has always been important and always will be important.Image and perception is sometimes everything. This is true whether it be Kelloggs Corn Flakes or animals that carry certain prefixes on their names. This is nothing new... and it was the same 50 years ago, just as it is today. This is not to say this is right, but it is reality. I may not agree with some of the things some people do to promote their cattle, but if it works, i have to commend them for " making it happen".
So if using Photshop is a " forbidden" tool, does this mean it is also wrong to wash and clip an animal before taking a picture. Does this mean that it is wrong to put some extra weight on animals before you take pictures? Animals in good condition always look better than thinner animals or animals in ordinary pasture condition for that matter. The answer in my opinion is NO to all of the above. No shop keeper would put a display in their store , that did not present the product in it's best light. The same should be true in our business. I may be a hobby to some people, but it is a business as well. Big Business in fact.
I will agree that some people take the photoshop editing to an extreme. I don't like it when you are wondering if the animal looks anything like it's picture. At the same time, I personally do not think that photo editing today is anywhere close to what was done in the 50s and 60s. I would suggest that The Truth take a look at any breed magazine from the 50s and 60s and you will see almost all bulls are pictured belly deep in straw, and very obvious photo painting to straighten out their backs, add big butts to them, and a painted on fluffy tail. I will guarantee you that these cattle did not even closely resemble their photos. Some breed magazines insisted that this be done in fact. My point is, that this is nothing new.
I think Photoshop technology is one of the best things to come along in a long time. I publish a breed magazine as well as raise my cattle, and I must say that it is sometimes quite amazing how much better an animal looks when we take an old building or a falling down fence out of the background of pictures advertisers send in for their ads. We have not even touched the animal, but by eliminating a bunch of junk, the animal also looks better. I see nothing wrong with this at all.
To The Truth, I understand where you are coming from, in regards to some issues that you respond to. Where I have a problem is that you seem to attack in your responses. Your anger at the world is very evident. I have a bunch of bad days as well, but not every day. If every day is bad for you I suggest you need to find another occupation. Life is far too short to live in the cloud that you seem to be in all the time. After reading some of your responses, I often wonder if the sky is ever blue in your world.
You will never win someone to your point of view by insulting people. For the most part, I think we show on this website ( Steerplanet) that we do not have to agree on many issues, and we show that we can learn from reading and reflecting on someone else's view points. There are a few on here, who seem to think that they can " win the war" by shocking others who read these threads. This never helps a discussion and only drives the viewpoints further apart. I am a big fan of this website because it is more than just another club calf or another cattle site for that matter. There is a human side to this site, which makes it better than any others I have found. People come here various reasons. Some are looking for advice, and there are many on here who are great at helping others. There is a community on here, and while most of us have never met one another, we almost know each other. There is an incredible amount of support on here. Many times there are threads that are not cattle related, but they are life related. Personally I think this is a good thing. I for one, have no problem with someone who needs to deal with an issue, posting on here. I like to think that part of our lives on this planet should involve helping others, and not just trying to get ahead yourself and not caring about others around us.
To the Truth, I would suggest that you try to respond to some issues that you agree with, and try to do without peeing on someone else's parade. You might even find that it makes you feel kinda nice when you support someone else's position or just make someone else feel a little better. If after a few tries at doing this, you find that insulting others makes you feel better.... well, I would suggest that it is time to pack your saddlebags and move on to a new town.