:'( :'( Boy, I am feeling really bad today and I feel like you guys are the only ones that I can talk to. I love my 12 year old daughter very much and she is our only child, but lately she has been driving me insane!!! I feel like all that we seem to these days is fight with each other over everything. This is her first year in junior high and I know things are changing for her in alot of ways, but she just seems to push all of my buttons. I end up saying things to her that I can not even believe that I am saying. This morning we had a big argument over something really stupid and next thing you know she is in tears, well she has her big TAKS test today and I feel like crap for sending her to school with that kind of start to her morning. I told her I loved her when I dropped her off at school but I am sitting here at work feeling really depressed. My husband says that I need to learn to "let things go" and not let her get me so worked up. I really feel that he is right, and I am going to try my hardest. Thanks for being my band of "shrinks" today and listening to my problems, I really needed to talk.