Well to me this is such a no brainer--If you just want to have "something" to show, don't mind stinking all the time, or that awful squeeling noise, sure go for a hog. Growing up on the farm my Dad raised just about it all, cattle, sheep, goats, and every so often a few HOGS.
As a kid I showed steers and heifers, and I loved them! They all had a unique personality all there own, and I got very attached to them. Now that I'm back in the business raising them-- its the same way. So fun and interesting seeing each calf being born, what you get, and watching them grow and develop. After working several now, putting on halter, and getting them gentle--again just a enjoyable experience. To me hogs are great for one thing only . . . on the bar-b-que pit and in your tummy!
I know we raise cattle for the same purpose, but I really don't even think of it much in that way. Thats LOVE isn't it!
(Important note!! IT IS HARD WORK, if you're not into working and the couch potatoe, might want to get the hog!!) (welcome)
Jason, might have to start a HOG PLANET for those pig lovers! I personally know 2 or 3 that would want to sign up!!