I think both Dividend and Gizmo have been assets to the breed. They were used in slightly different eras, but I think Dividend was the first bull to start to increase the breeds popularity again. I only had two daughters of Dividend, and if they were alive today, they would be headliners in my donor line-up.They were both very moderate, easy fleshing, and great uddered. Both bred extremely well for us. Like Hilltop, I think I will be going back and using some Dividend sons again, probably sooner rather than later. If anyone remembers the cow herd at Ar Su Lu about 20 years ago, it had probably more Dividend influence than most other herds around. I will only say, it was an amazing set of females. I think Gizmo has done a good job as well, however, I don't consider him in the same league as Dividend.