Bidder fraud at Vicklands online sale?

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Dec 22, 2010
From JPV Farms, LLC  concerning Vickland Show Cattle Online Auction

I am compelled to give warning to other fellow livestock professionals, who may have upcoming online or private treaty cattle sales, in an effort to protect their investments.    We have received the following information concerning the alleged, problematic bidder involved in the Vickland online cattle auction, sponsored by CWCATTLE SALES.    We truly hope you protect yourselves in the manner we did.  Alleged bidder number is 5703 (on 9-15-2011 for the vickland online auction)  Name used :  JR ELLISON.  We may not have the correct spelling, but the goal is protection of others at this time.  The cell number matching this bidder arises from Tulsa Oklahoma,  It has also come to our attention, that despite being stripped of all future privelages to bid on animals through Breeders World and CWCattle Sales, this alleged individual continues to contact others whom have future sales pending.  So beware.  Please note that we have never met this alleged bidder whose goal was and is to defraud us and others.  I want to thank all of you whom have contacted us with your concerns and support.  WE appreciate every single one of you.  Join us in contacting law enforcement if you have been a victim.   

JPV Farms, LLC 


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
I applaud Vicklands for making this public.  My question is, if you have already purchased a calf on an on line auction, is there any way to see if this individual bid against you?  On Breedersworld all you see is a number of the bidder so it is impossible to see if you have been a victim of fraud or not. Anyone have any ideas?


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
I have had experience with JR ELLISON as well.  He was supposedly going to "help" a young man that is also a steer planet member sell a heifer.  He never came up with buyer info, never had a check, but always wanted the young man to sign a sales contract.  Luckily even though they were not experienced in the cattle industry this young mans father put a kabash to it.  After that JR continued to call and harrass the young man, sending him threatening texts on a daily basis, etc.  JR is in his 30s, this young man was only 15 at the time.  I would warn anyone against him, I first became super suspicious when JR and his gf tried to tell me they sold a shorthorn heifer to Shadybrook for $900,000.  Then when I called em out on it he informed me that he had a "contract" for her at $900,000. 
Not only do they do things like this, they try to bully people into doing business with them, and if you actually know what your doing and call them out they threaten that they have connections and will put an end to your career in the livestock industry!!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the problem with these people is that they have to be handled through civil court.  it takes too long, they hide their assets, claim everything is everyone else's problem. 

i think it's time to start posting people's names without libel, have the associations putting people on probation, restricting transfers etc until they satisfy the people they have defrauded.

these people are wasting assets that could otherwise be more useful.

what are some traits of these people?  here's a couple.

1.  we need to do this now
2.  they never get back to you or provide receipts, in other words, an inverse relationship
3.  badmouth other people's cattle to prop up theirs
4.  only they are a good breeder
5.  they question your integrity when their lack of follow through with your assets are questioned
6.  everyone is an idiot
7.  only their ideas or evaluations are sound
8.  never offer you any advice on how to protect yourself from them and when you do, they poo poo the need to.
9.  other people are cons
10.  they tell you not to talk directly with people they do
11.  when you ask out due to their negligence, they claim you ruined them

on and on


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
I also know that a lot of the cattle he has bid on and claimed to have bought were supposedly being bought for a girl in Brenham TX who is also very very sketchy, no proof that she was involved with this but I know she has the sale pics of a lot of the cattle he supposedly bought for her on her facebook. And I highly doubt she ever had the money to pay for any of these cattle.  All you have to do is have a conversation or 2 with either of them to figure out that neither of them have a clue and are trying to con people!!!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
With the power of GOogle, I found him buying cattle in fact three in Diamond G cattle and showing and buying cattle for Thorne Land and Livestock. It wasn't hard to find him. Someone definitely need to pursue some sort of legal action.

I had a very similar experience a few years back not with him but another young guy. Steerplanet helped tremendously finding him. His college Ag coach caught wind and called me directly to help resolve the issues. This forum helps you reach all four corners of the continent and over seas.


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
I dont know how much he has to do with Thorne Land and Cattle...when someone asked for a pic the only one I could find was one of him showing one of Thorne's bulls at Ft Worth last year and I didnt post it because I didnt want them to be brought into this unknowingly...but like I said he and the girl he is supposedly buying these calves for or with were really giving simmyman a run around and I finally got fed up and called him and now he calls me non stop, I never answer him anymore but at one point he was trash talking Thorne pretty bad.  I have a feeling that they had problems with him and now he is just trying to ruin his name.  That seems to be both him and the girls motive, if someone catches on to them and says something they either try to bully you or ruin your name.  I know when I called them out not only on how they were doing this young man but also on the absolute absurdity of their claims and warned simmyman and his dad that I didnt think they were trustworthy, the girl told me to watch my back because I didnt know who her dad was and that he would make sure I never had a future in this industry and JR threatened to sue me for defimation of I guess everyone on here should be expecting a law suit now, lol.

Just example of some of the things I know they have told me or simmyman...JR is big on contracts...everytime he supposedly has a buyer for a calf he is supposedly trying to sell for someone, such as simmyman, he wants to bring you a "contract" and pick the calf up.  I told simmyman absolutely not to do that, the only contract they need to bring me to pick up a calf is a check or cash, anything less and they aint getting the calf.  I have a feeling if he showed up with the contract and they would have let him pick up the heifer that they would have never seen the heifer or money again.  They were also trying to get simmyman to drop off his bull for them to haul to OKC and Tulsa State Fairs to show, again no proof on this, but I have a feeling he would have never seen that calf again.  They also tried to tell me that they sold a shorthorn heifer that the girl had shown for $900,000, I am not buying that.  Also called me one day asking for help finding club calves. Told me they needed about 1,000 head for clients.  Come on people if your going to lie at least make it a believable lie. 

Unlike the rest of us who try to make a name for ourselves by hard work and putting the time in, they seem to be trying to do it through a big barrel of lies.  Not one thing they have ever told me can be backed up, and they always make the mistake of dropping big names, names that I know, and when I have contacted these"refernces" I have either been told that they were not trustworthy or that the people had never heard of them.

After the way they treated simmyman, and now this, I hope people take warning and they get some type of penalty.  I never say this because I love this industry and want to see interest grow in it.  But I think it would be far better off without people like that.  I dont know the full scope of how many sales he affected this way, but I am told and have reason to believe that he won the bids on several nice calves in several sales, and I highly doubt he has come through with payment on most if any of them.  I feel sorry for the producers affected, can you imagine the headache this has caused them.  1st being stuck with a really nice calf that he didnt pay for, I am sure they wont have any issue reselling the calves.  Its just the headache of having to do it now when if he had been honest the sale would have been final with the close of bidding.

WBar Farms

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2008
Posted on: September 17, 2011, 09:36:06 PMPosted by: OH Breeder 
Insert Quote
With the power of GOogle, I found him buying cattle in fact three in Diamond G cattle and showing and buying cattle for Thorne Land and Livestock. It wasn't hard to find him. Someone definitely need to pursue some sort of legal action.

I had a very similar experience a few years back not with him but another young guy. Steerplanet helped tremendously finding him. His college Ag coach caught wind and called me directly to help resolve the issues. This forum helps you reach all four corners of the continent and over seas. 

no suprise diamond g's name came up i've had him try to sell me fake calves and other peoples that he didnt even own, added jon on facebook to see what he looks like thats one of the most sketch profiles i've ever been on and look at what that girl that I assume is who your talking about, the lead bit@h for es cattle services and company he says he owns.......... weird stuff but back to my point no suprise those two peoples names come up together


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I can promise you a shorthorn heifer has NEVER sold for 900k. Thanks for the info everybody. I say we all just harass the heck out of him. He cant fight us all off lol! I will find him on facebook for sure. I agree with bruiser. You cant treat folks like that for very long and not expect your butt kicked.