Bidder fraud at Vicklands online sale?

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I just looked. He is friends with 33 of my friends on facebook but not me. I put out a message for them to delete him! Hard enough to make it in this biz without folks like that.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
The other person's name mentioned likes to claim cattle on his web site that he never owned or sold. There is a red calf in his winners page that we bought from Kris Black then resold to a local girl who is friends with him and it is now listed under his winners page. He has never laid a hand on the calf nor was at all involved with this calf but he takes credit for it!! You can not be to carefull when buying and selling cattle or anything now a days. Way to many dishonest people out there waiting to take advantage of trusting people. I have unfortunately learned a lot of hard and $$ leasons in the cattle industry. I no longer let any calf be list as sold or leave my property without full payment. My days of trying to help people, such as waiting for fair checks, are over and I have don't just buy from anyone. Always check people out first! The sad part is most of the show calves are for kids and these people are willing to take advantage of kids.

I will say we did buy 2 steers from Todd Caldwells sale on line( and could not have been happier. We got both calves under our price range and it was a very smooth transaction. I am glad they caught this lying jerk because I hate to see one ruin a great way to buy cattle.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
The Facebook connections are a bit overblown, he's friends with all of the usual Facebook show cattle people that are likely "friends" of most people on this site.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
WBar Farms said:
Posted on: September 17, 2011, 09:36:06 PMPosted by: OH Breeder 
Insert Quote
With the power of GOogle, I found him buying cattle in fact three in Diamond G cattle and showing and buying cattle for Thorne Land and Livestock. It wasn't hard to find him. Someone definitely need to pursue some sort of legal action.

I had a very similar experience a few years back not with him but another young guy. Steerplanet helped tremendously finding him. His college Ag coach caught wind and called me directly to help resolve the issues. This forum helps you reach all four corners of the continent and over seas. 

no suprise diamond g's name came up i've had him try to sell me fake calves and other peoples that he didnt even own, added jon on facebook to see what he looks like thats one of the most sketch profiles i've ever been on and look at what that girl that I assume is who your talking about, the lead bit@h for es cattle services and company he says he owns.......... weird stuff but back to my point no suprise those two peoples names come up together

I found the connection unusual but I have no experience with either. I do remember when someone advertised cattle in the for sale section that were not his nor did he own. I did contact the breeder and he didn't know the individual either. I guess sometimes people make poor choices in an attempt to gain notoriety. Sad state of affairs.

@ Jeff Agree Facbook connections should not be a reflection on the person cuz it can be very innocent when accepting friend request.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I agree........when people discover that I am an axe murderer my 60 friends won't be embarassed. WHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Snort,grunt burp.


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
I dont think the facebook connections mean anything...I was simply saying he was on there because people were asking if anyone had a pic of him...and I knew from my prior experiences with him that a lot of people were friends with him on facebook and realized that, especially if it was a facebook set up for their company, a lot of people click the accept button without paying much attention..I know I have been guilty.  I dont think its fair to just automatically throw someone who has had past dealings with the guy into the same boat as him, likely they were all screwed by him to.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I agree I think the word friended or friend has almost had its meaning changed. You could have 800 friends and maybe 5 will show up at your funeral. Like the new words that get accepted into google,tweet, twitter, and whatnot. I often wondered.........if Charlie Manson had a many friends would have been on his facebook. The BTK killer? I hear the first thing divorce lawyers do in preparing a case is check the facebook page. I know a guy whose son is based out of around Denver that actually drives a black suv and all he does is scout facebook and social media for terrorists escaped convicts etc....So in someways facebook is good for connecting with people and at the same time it isn't. I know my wife made me take all my nude photos down......just kidding.......half o them anyway.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
Twisted.. I really appreciate you getting involved with the transaction for Simmyman!  He's a personal friend of mine, and one of THE FINEST young showman I have met in recent years.  If this guy had screwed him out of his Simbrah heifer I would have personally thumped his head for him.

I hate that there are always people that are determined to ruin things for everyone by finding ways to cheat and steal from others.. and it's the honest ones that get burned!  And people wonder why folks give up in disgust. 
