aj said:
The thing I worry about when evaluating a bull that won a show...........technology. Nowadays there is so many products to change the appearance of cattle. I saw an ad for a product that is good for "Tailhead" hair. Anyway......today......in order to win a show they half to be on a 100 different products in order to compete. Then......since the birth date is not correct.....chances are the BWt isn't correct. So the animal see's absolutely no natural selection pressure......and his all american mother probably didn't either. If no natural selection is used in the breeding program.....cattle eventually surface that don't stand up to natural selection in the real world. There is getting to be a heck of a divide between show ring cattle and the overall beef industry. In order to win you have to do it though.
I have nothing to do with purebred cattle production, nor am I to be considered a "fan" of the Shorthorn breed. I don't know anything about aj or the type of cattle that he produces. We show steers and 1 market heifer. That's what we do.
With that said, I am going to side with aj's comment regarding technology. I am absolutely amazed at the amount of different supplements that we feed these show steers. Supplement them to grow, supplement them to grow hair, supplement them to tolerate heat, supplement them to add fat, supplement them so they can walk, supplement them to control joint health, supplement them for a crappy attitude, supplement them to get them to eat, supplement them to burn off excess fat in the areas that are undesirable, supplement them to retain water, supplement them to shrink back...it is unbelievable! We use them too, so I am not talking down to anyone!
I can't help but wonder how these show ring market cattle would get along in the feedlot? With that said, I need to get going now...time to reorder supplements. It takes awhile.