Why all the fuss and fuming over someone stating an opinion???? Judging a show is like officiating a football game, someone has to do it and not everyone is happy with your opinions. [ And yes I do both]. Over time judges have either rose to the occassion and done a pretty fair job or done a p*** poor job as grandad would say and kind of drifted away from judging. The ones that either think their opinions will revolutionize the beef industry or go out for a payback to somebody, either in a good way or to really work someone over should never be ask to sort 2 cows at the local sale barn. But seems they always pop up again, usually through a connection at a breed registry, or being on good terms with show management. Just look at entries this past fall, the lesser respected judges did not have much to work with number wise.
Would not think of bashing some judge on here, that's chicken s*** , quoting grandad again, you catch him in a quiet place and tell the expert to his face you didn't care for his expert thoughts. You would be surprised how much more serious he gets the next time. <beer>