You make an excellent point. Breeding right is definitely important to folks with small herds. Now, which is more important to you- Raising 5 common, crippled club calves and 1 maybe really good one...or raising 4 good ones, one bad one, and one that could be okay if managed right? I say use a bull that has been proven on many types and kinds of cows to make good ones. Like Monopoly, or dare I say it, Eye Candy. Both bulls usually sire enough power, sire sound ones, and the calves are usually pretty chubby. They even have the power of purebred momma's behind them to lend to consistency. If I were in a situation like yourself, I'd bred all my cows to one sire like that, and see what happens. It's easier to sell 4 good ones for good money than it is to sell 1 great one for a pile of cash if all your others are average at best.