Well-known member
Based on?
The base of my cow heard came from Montana 17 years ago and were already carrying the PHA birth defect. and this was just a commercial operation. So to these birthdefects were around before they were in show cattle. So commercial cattlemen were already dealing with this birth defect.Jeff_Schroeder said:I did say at one time that there are commercial cattlemen who are willing to use defect carrier bulls because you falsely claimed that it would never happen although it does. I also called you out on that absolutely ignorant ET statement in this thread.
I never commented on grading of TH cattle and I never commented on whether show steers are optimum for today's herd. Go pick that fight with somebody else, it’s the only reason you come to this site any way.
AJ, seriously, if you are just going to make stuff up to support your argument, why should a person waste time discussing something with you?
Jill said:I wasn't arguing whether or not it was mainstream, what aj is saying is that is that it is used primarily in the show cattle industry, I would venture to say that Dairy would be your #1 industry for AI and Cloning with purebred breeders as #2, club calf breeders are a very small minority of the people using technology.