Canadian truck convoy

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Finally, a decent response. 

Periods help the reader understand your points better and encourage them to actually read it.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
and so what if US produces more oil than everyone.

how much less should we produce.

rhetorical question, hence the missing question mark since you won't answer with a number, just trump bad, biden good, everything since reagan, but really since since 1918 and really that's just a long line of people and direction you seem to support. never a conservative or republican viewpoint./// 1 Reagan and Bush were republicans ans Reagan was the last US president to overtly stand up to the Russians -At least  verbally He didnt have anything remotely this magnanomous on his plate Just the told then tear down this wall Not GEE-why are you starting WW 3 ? 2-Im not anything I dont Like ANY politicians although sometimes I agree with what conservatives think-And have pasted as such Perhaps your rate of absorbing written matter is fading a little along with your attention span -No dont forget to write :"as such" at least 50 times  I mean-what is the repetitive babble you listed up there-What will your therapist think? And what possible bearing do Trump or you for that matter have on the Canadian Govt? Biden is dealing with the most dangerous war in 80 years He: and the "Democrats", the military, the CIA and those politicians, and nations who are trying to put toghether a united effort against this lying NAZI do not have time for :putins Puppet or you  I only hope the republicans-(a few of whom, actually believe in the US-and all it stands for ) HELP TOO  Because this attack knows no party philosophies or petty greedy agendas If the adjendas of Putin and his  lap dog Trump are to turn the US into an annexation of Russia: which is not out of the question at all , then its all out war And the US may end up  Russias second  Afghanistan They are cowards-and went up against fighters on bicycles who would fight to the last man The people of Ukraine will resist as well but are out in the open unlike the guerilla warefare of the Afghans If it happens here-Theres room to manuever Although if any US president ever overtly tried something like that here  The military would probably remove him in a pine box or several of them  O0


mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas    Theres my case you if you missed the news that was broadcast by hundreds of agencies 3 days ago. Of course it was a glorious peace keeping mission against the Nazi women and children who are a threat to the thugs the Russians have armed and supplied for years who now get to help the Russian army in a total bombardment of innocent people.But the most despicable cowards of all are the media people and so called constituents applauding Putin because his Lap Dog makes statements like that. Played right into Putins  hand and added fuel to the fire  Racially profiling poor areas and neighborhoods to prevent those people from having the right to vote is everyday fare for the no-class  dirtballs of the South But the prominent what"s his name? who is one of them was real smug about the brilliant quest by Putin. He and the rest of those cowards REALLY look stupid now. I didn"t agree with everything Reagan did.But he believed in his country and basic right and wrong. He never had to confront an onslaught like this. But he stood right up to the Russians RE the Berlin wall. He would have prosecuted Trump in any manner Probably for treason I don't know what George Bush has said-But he wasn't all bad either. And again,I never said he was. He saw this pattern from the very beginning and spoke to that subject. Along with  people like John Mccain and thousands of military people ridiculed by the POS  O0

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
doesn't mean trump agreed with it. you and trump have a decided lack of clarity. Really ?-Do you really think by making those statements that he was standing up for the inherent principals of the United States which he was sworn to uphold at all times? Maybe the blatant stupidity was really a  "Secret Code?' Speaking of lack of clarity (or an IQ over 11) Apparently so do the 3 or 4 other big Republicans who immediately bravo ed and echoed Trumps "Genius""  "Beautiful Freedom" etc. Of course they have never needed to exhibit much in the way of intelligence : they are so dumb they just echo whatever he says. Probably without any idea of the gravity or consequences of those actions .  O0


Well-known member
May 15, 2016
WOW, what a s??? show this thread turned into.

Trump said Putin was smart, so if that is not the truth, then Putin is not smart? Not intelligent?

The USA involvement in the 2014 election in Ukraine has a lot to do with this. Eight years this has been boiling. Things like this happen when too many people believe their elections are not accurate.

Does anyone actually believe politicians give two cents about you or I?

How do politicians go into office not being millionaires and come out millionaires? Maybe all politicians should be in charge of our investments?

Unless you are donating high 5 figures and above, politicians don't give two cents about what or how you are doing.

Most Russians are like most Americans, and want to live a decent life with family friends. This is about one Government taking advantage, when they perceive weakness from another adversary.

Trump should keep his mouth and twitter shut, and the world perceives Biden as weak.

Inflation and lack of energy sources (which we have, but don't use) will cripple the USA.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
in the old days, it was easier to validate results (in spite of nixon vs kennedy in chicago)

vote on one day, tally results manually.

now, it's a varied process without consistent ways to validate.

not sure what was ever wrong with original system.

there were a few obvious things that needed to be fixed like polls closing early (witnessed first hand in north carolina).

now, we don't have clear validation other than "trust us".

trust but verify


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
nice reads.

nuclear detonations, all bets off.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
764wdchev said:
WOW, what a s??? show this thread turned into.

Trump said Putin was smart, so if that is not the truth, then Putin is not smart? Not intelligent? "What a great guy"-He cooed-"I have known him along time" hes a "great Statesman"" I know him very very well"//// you are missing the part where Trump  congratulates Putin for freeing the separatist areas where Putin  he had armed them and they attacked for years. Now they are going to help murder as many people as they can when they surround the cities.
The USA involvement in the 2014 election in Ukraine has a lot to do with this.REALLY-THEY DIDNT WANT TO KNUCKLE UNDER TO A F@%^()ING POLICE STATE SINCE THEY ARE (were) A SOVEREIGN Democracy ? Eight years this has been boiling. Things like this happen when too many people believe their elections are not accurate.// Yea lets condone the Russians and Trumps attempts to throw the elections and our way of life (Can you spell Democracy-the people who died for your freedom could)  What about Russias Involvements here? Cyber attacks, murders, you name it .

Does anyone actually believe politicians give two cents about you or I? YOU GOT THAT RIGHT- AND SEEMS LIKE ONLY IDIOTS WHO CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES BELIEVE THAT SH@#$$%^*T And worship those PIGS

How do politicians go into office not being millionaires and come out millionaires? Maybe all politicians should be in charge of our investments?/// They made their money stealing from people like you and me.

Unless you are donating high 5 figures and above, politicians don't give two cents about what or how you are doing.//// Amen- Want that crook who will lay down for the Russians SINCE THEY OWN HIM -Back in office? Want them to take away your freedom, your rights?

Most Russians are like most Americans, and want to live a decent life with family friends. This is about one Government taking advantage, when they perceive weakness from another adversary. I agree and the Russians are showing tremendous courage .And 5000 or probably many more by now  are already in jail in the last 4 days. (many of whom will be killed by that War Criminal) That's not to mention the thousands of  people they grab and torture who do not agree 100% with their lies-Never to be seen again. The pig is a war criminal and is responsible four hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Trump should keep his mouth and twitter shut, and the world perceives Biden as weak. The video is right here-you see him condone and congratulate what putin is doing. There is no going back and saying-"that wasn't me, I never said that like that liar has done so many times. Thats his and the other doofusses opinions that follow him-Bush  Obama  Clinton and Biden all followed policy that they would not send any more troops into a "major " war. Neither Trump-Nor any US President back 8- years to  to WW 11-EVER had to deal with something like this. REAL EASY FOR THOSE POMPOUS ARM CHAIR RICH YUPPIES to conveniently try to run him and everyone else down for there own Un American  agendas.Minor things such as trying to take away poor and ethnic people"s right to vote  O0

Inflation and lack of energy sources (which we have, but don't use) will cripple the USA. I do not agree There are enough change in direction towards wind leases-(big time business) Non frack oil-and the more sane extrication of oil that have to happen-The greenhouse gas ruin of the weather effects everyone and IT IS REAL-especially farmers  And the partial causes of inflation saved a lot of people in this country from starvation and basic anarchy. We had it much worse in the 80s etc Go to the assessor and cry you have to pay more taxes because your farm has now made you a multi millionaire-Yes the fed needs to tone it down -I was trying to build and sell houses when the rates were 21% And I saw a 2 million year old or whatever Fijord in Norway MYSELF from the air in 1971: Then one of the largest in existance That is now almost gone If you are lucky enough to be steward of the land. You have to think outside your own gas pump and realize its disappearing  O0


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
mark tenenbaum said:
764wdchev said:
WOW, what a s??? show this thread turned into.

Trump said Putin was smart, so if that is not the truth, then Putin is not smart? Not intelligent? What a great guy-He cooed-has known him along timr "very very well"//// you are missing the part where he congratulates Putin for freeing the separtist areas while he had armed them as they attacked for years 

The USA involvement in the 2014 election in Ukraine has a lot to do with this.REALLY-THEY DIDNT WANT TO KNUCKLE UNDER TO A F@%^()ING POLICE STATE SINSE THEY ARE (were) A SOVEREIGN Democracy ? Eight years this has been boiling. Things like this happen when too many people believe their elections are not accurate. Yea lets condone the Russian and Trump attempts to throw the elections and our way of life (Can you spell Democracy-the people who died for your freedom could)  What about Russias Involvements here? Maybe the most press

Does anyone actually believe politicians give two cents about you or I? YOU GOT THAT RIGHT- AND SEEMS LIKE ONLY IDIOTS WHO CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES BELIEVE THAT SH@#$$%^*T And worship those PIGS

How do politicians go into office not being millionaires and come out millionaires? Maybe all politicians should be in charge of our investments?/// They made thier money stealing from people like you and me

Unless you are donating high 5 figures and above, politicians don't give two cents about what or how you are doing. Want that crook who will lay down for the Russians SINCE THEY OWN HIM -Back in office?

Most Russians are like most Americans, and want to live a decent life with family friends. This is about one Government taking advantage, when they perceive weakness from another adversary. I agree-And 5000 are already in jail in the last 4 days (many of whom will be killed by that War Criminal  PIG

Trump should keep his mouth and twitter shut, and the world perceives Biden as weak. Thats his and the other doofusses opinions that follow him-BUSH  OBAMA CLINTON and biden all said that they would not send troops into a "major " war Neither Trump-Nor any of them back to WW 11-EVER had to deal with something like this REAL EASY FOR THOSE POMPOUS ARM CHAIR RICH YUPPIES to conveniently try to run him and everyone else down for there own stupid adjendas

Inflation and lack of energy sources (which we have, but don't use) will cripple the USA. I do not agree There are enough change in direction towards wind leases-(big time business) Non frack oil-and the more sane extrication of oil that have to happen-The greenhouse gas ruin of the weather effects everyone and IT IS REAL-especially farmers  And the partial causes of inflation saved alot of people in this country from starvation and basic anarchy We had it much worse in the 80s etc Go to the assesor and cry you have to pay more taxes because your farm has now made you a multi millionare-yes the fed needs to tone it down -I was trying to build and sell houses when the rates were 21% And I saw a 2 million year old or whatever fijord in Norway MYSELF from the air in 1971-that is now .almost gone If you are lucky enough to be steward of the land. You have to think outside your own gas pump and realise its disappearing  O0
Every time I fill a tank whether tractor or pickup 20% of what I pay goes to Putin so He can kill people in the Ukraine.  That is not OK and can change tomorrow if we had a leader.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
in the old days, it was easier to validate results (in spite of nixon vs kennedy in chicago)

vote on one day, tally results manually.

now, it's a varied process without consistent ways to validate.

not sure what was ever wrong with original system.

there were a few obvious things that needed to be fixed like polls closing early (witnessed first hand in north carolina).

now, we don't have clear validation other than "trust us". ////  All the states cooperated with the outgoing president.Except when he tried to extort the Governor of GA was it? The polls were audited and recounted closer probably than any time in history. He personally saw to it that he chose the auditors for those states he found the most important . When their findings proved with out a doubt that he lost.Then he ranted like a spoiled entitled ***** that they were traitors and enemies of the state. His actions that we are aware of  make him a traitor and danger to democracy-period. Its hard to tell what else he has done or is planning to do with the Russians.  O0

trust but verify

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I dont worship anyone in politics. Nor do I believe the rhetoric  And I remember in the 70s when that spoiled toad gloated about how dumb the drafted guys were to get killed over in Nam. And he didn't go because he had more important things to do like his golf game.The few things I do know dont  come from Rah Rah sites for the pathetic, or the news. In any case I wouldnt divulge anything but common knowledge anywhere. If anyone did you probably wouldnt get the point. Given your idealistic naive front. So now you can tell us as a "leader". How to stop a madman like him on a dime when he is threatening nuclear warfare . Go huff and puff and bate that crazy toddler and get 3-400000 people vaporized in one day? Tell me Leader of Men. O0

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
beebe said:
mark tenenbaum said:
764wdchev said:
WOW, what a s??? show this thread turned into.

Trump said Putin was smart, so if that is not the truth, then Putin is not smart? Not intelligent? What a great guy-He cooed-has known him along timr "very very well"//// you are missing the part where he congratulates Putin for freeing the separtist areas while he had armed them as they attacked for years 

The USA involvement in the 2014 election in Ukraine has a lot to do with this.REALLY-THEY DIDNT WANT TO KNUCKLE UNDER TO A F@%^()ING POLICE STATE SINSE THEY ARE (were) A SOVEREIGN Democracy ? Eight years this has been boiling. Things like this happen when too many people believe their elections are not accurate. Yea lets condone the Russian and Trump attempts to throw the elections and our way of life (Can you spell Democracy-the people who died for your freedom could)  What about Russias Involvements here? Maybe the most press

Does anyone actually believe politicians give two cents about you or I? YOU GOT THAT RIGHT- AND SEEMS LIKE ONLY IDIOTS WHO CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES BELIEVE THAT SH@#$$%^*T And worship those PIGS

How do politicians go into office not being millionaires and come out millionaires? Maybe all politicians should be in charge of our investments?/// They made thier money stealing from people like you and me

Unless you are donating high 5 figures and above, politicians don't give two cents about what or how you are doing. Want that crook who will lay down for the Russians SINCE THEY OWN HIM -Back in office?

Most Russians are like most Americans, and want to live a decent life with family friends. This is about one Government taking advantage, when they perceive weakness from another adversary. I agree-And 5000 are already in jail in the last 4 days (many of whom will be killed by that War Criminal  PIG

Trump should keep his mouth and twitter shut, and the world perceives Biden as weak. Thats his and the other doofusses opinions that follow him-BUSH  OBAMA CLINTON and biden all said that they would not send troops into a "major " war Neither Trump-Nor any of them back to WW 11-EVER had to deal with something like this REAL EASY FOR THOSE POMPOUS ARM CHAIR RICH YUPPIES to conveniently try to run him and everyone else down for there own stupid adjendas

Inflation and lack of energy sources (which we have, but don't use) will cripple the USA. I do not agree There are enough change in direction towards wind leases-(big time business) Non frack oil-and the more sane extrication of oil that have to happen-The greenhouse gas ruin of the weather effects everyone and IT IS REAL-especially farmers  And the partial causes of inflation saved alot of people in this country from starvation and basic anarchy We had it much worse in the 80s etc Go to the assesor and cry you have to pay more taxes because your farm has now made you a multi millionare-yes the fed needs to tone it down -I was trying to build and sell houses when the rates were 21% And I saw a 2 million year old or whatever fijord in Norway MYSELF from the air in 1971-that is now .almost gone If you are lucky enough to be steward of the land. You have to think outside your own gas pump and realise its disappearing  O0
Every time I fill a tank whether tractor or pickup 20% of what I pay goes to Putin so He can kill people in the Ukraine.  That is not OK and can change tomorrow if we had a leader.///// 1- Whats a leader supposed to do? Are you aware the Russia is shutting down so fast that the billionaire buddies of Putin are already  bleating like pigs to stop this. And thats only after 4 days. YOU AINT SEEN NOTHIN BOY People there are running out of everything . There will hundreds of thousands out in the street when they start running out of food. The poor miserable people hes attacked-are winning so far. And drawing more and more of the Russians in.Because those cowards are no match for Guerilla warfare. Many of the armored vehicles have no fuel-the troops have no fuel. So the Ukrainians are taking them out.And if they keep it up and keep getting weapons-The Russian Army will be way overextended to far in with no real way out. And they will continue to pick them off. They are getting shipments of jets too as we speak. That's the strategy that I mentioned in one of the deals- Its how Russia Defeated the Nazis .  Maybe the military will get smart-stage a coo, and stop the insanity-wishfull thinking.  If putin doesnt get taken out there, he will be executed as a war criminal. The whole world is hitting them at once-And things are getting bad for the everyday Russian people very fast.  So YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU WOULD DO AS A LEADER? Because if you bait that 3 year old too much too soon he will start a nuclear war. Right or wrong: OUR GOVT-NOT JUST BIDEN and  the rest of the world LEADERS know this-Think they might even have a plan? If they can hold him off from nucking . O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
mark tenenbaum said:
I was trying to build and sell houses when the rates were 21%

ironically, the best time to buy a house and refinance when rates went down to 7-8% as  too much of the house value was interest.

buying when interest rates are low, is the opposite, hence, the housing crash.

then, you get the government forcing equity owners in companies 10 cents on the dollar to cover their stupidity with no penalty.

your posts are too long to have a point.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
consequences of democrat policies.

blame trump anyway.


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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
In a perfect truthfull world No point you are trying to make above has any direct bearing on the Invasion by Russia -which this thread clearly has evolved into. Just jive fingerpointing cliches. Lets see the facts- 1- How much oil does the US buy from Russia-versus the 65 million barrels being released to offset the Russian Invasian  If nothing else: this is necessary because a number of the major Oil Companies are losing Billions and dumping Russia and abandoning projects and the Country altogether. The Current govt will also be going after the Oil monger crooks who will try to take advantage of the situation. 2- The deficit Which has been cut in half  in one year-Down  one $  Trillian No president has ever done this. Especially with minor annoyances like Covid, and total pandemonium left by the inept "leadership" prior to his taking office. So inflation brought about by any number of circumstances. Many of these facets are  long term trends which could be tied to the actions OR LACK THERE OF of the last regime  This includes the economy roaring  back to new highs after the jerk was finally gotten rid of -And who EXERCISED NO LEADERSHIP IN THIS COUNTRY WHEN THE TRANSISTION WAS LABORIOUSLY INTERRUPTED OR BLOCKED BY HIM . Easy cop- ChickenS356790t  COVID -VARIANTS  If the Red (necks) have the common sense to take advantage of no cost tests, vaccines etc. And I quote his FLATULENCE; Putins Puppet:" Covid Covid Covid, Its fake news " You will not hear anything else about Covid when i take office" Of course like every other comment the two faced hypocrite has made: he turned on a dime and said 'everyone should get vaccinated and wear a mask- "take precautions" One of thousands of lies . SO-only the facts MAM No room for sorry cliches or Psycho Babble-Dispute the facts with real info. And give a simple timeline and all the resulting facets that have caused inflation in the US Then you can point a simple finger at Biden whos been in office a little over a year. Facts-not illiterate regurgitated ideology that my three year old niece could come up with.FAMILY SAFETY: STAND UP FOR PARENTS AND KIDS-DONT VACCINATE YOUR KIDS OR MAINTAIN  SAFETY MEASURES FOR THEM  So that Omnicron or new variants  can continue to wreak  havoc. Thats strong -even though oder isnt everything. LETS BE STRONG AMERICA-SELL GIRLSCOUT COOKIES AND DEFEAT PUTIN  GET HIM ! O0