I was just talking to the Livestock manager from our fair the other day for a different issue when we got on the subject of the rules on ownership, and the requirements. He was talking about doing random visits to kids to check on their projects, we have a few kids who show their alumni year, so they are one year out of high school, there have been complaints ,the issue with a kid attending school in a different area if the calf is kept at home and the kid is away. The rules state the animal (beef) must be in your possession and under your care for 120 days prior to the start of the fair.
The kid I have been helping ended up switching steers with the seller after he had this calf since October. Calf has a hoof problem that needs to be addressed on a monthly basis, so he was going to switch calves this weekend at the upcoming show, the issue is he had to have posesion of the calf as of 2/6/14, he would not have switched until 2/13/14, someone in the area got wind of it and was complaining that he was cheating, needless to say we did a 12 hour overnight round trip to switch calves, switched calves just before midnight, he had possession on the 6th.
I wounder what the next complaint will be.
All you can do is enforce the rules you have, the best you can, more rules won't help if it is to hard to enforce the ones you have now. Send out a reminder of the rules and make a statement that they will be enforced. If you do enforce them to the letter there can be no exceptions from that point on. I would review the rules, think of situations may come up that would make you deviate from those rules, add those exceptions to the rules. Review each year, if changes need to be made to the rules make them then.
An exception could be if an animal where to die during the mandatory ownership period, the animal could be replaced, things like that. If, heaven forbid, the exhibitor where to fall I'll or expire, the animal could be shown and sold on behalf of the family, (Hereford Football). Things like that.