County Show = Popularity Contest

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Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
knabe said:
Why should they bid up your animal?

Maybe you they dont like you.

They don't even know me.  We've only lived here 4 months.  AGAIN, shouldn't placement equal bid amount?  And ok, why should they bid on my sons animal?  Ok, why should I support their show then?  Or their businesses?


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2010
I guess the question I have is did you or your child get any buyers to contribute to your auction? It may not be the case with your situation but parents or students are clearly told up front you don't bring a buyer you don't get auction money. There is a clear seperation of show and auction. Show dictates who gets in the auction and the order you sell but that's it. So ours falls under similar situation your are talking about but there's no misleading. Yes if you have the name and connections you absolutely are going to be bid higher. To me it sounds like there was little problem with how they were placed. Most of the time around here when the complaining happens when the popular name finishes the show placing higher than the no name with the better animal. As far as being a single parent and being limited on time, does that mean that everyone else that may not be in your situation should not attempt to help their respective child? I don't feel that because of someone's unfortunate situation that I should have my child suffer. If its someone I know I have no problem doing a little work to help but there's plenty of people in your boat and I can't do it for everyone.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I thought you were some poor downtrodden single mom that depended on ag teachers/agents to do everything?  How do you have time/resources to recruit other kids to go along with you to prospect shows?

There is some dude somewhere thankful to be rid of you if this is your general attitude on life.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
Keep you posted on the recruiting?  That won't be too hard.  There were 17 steers entered and before the auction was over 8 of them loaded up and left out of frustration.  Pretty funny actually.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
cebwtx said:
I guess the question I have is did you or your child get any buyers to contribute to your auction? It may not be the case with your situation but parents or students are clearly told up front you don't bring a buyer you don't get auction money. There is a clear seperation of show and auction. Show dictates who gets in the auction and the order you sell but that's it. So ours falls under similar situation your are talking about but there's no misleading. Yes if you have the name and connections you absolutely are going to be bid higher. To me it sounds like there was little problem with how they were placed. Most of the time around here when the complaining happens when the popular name finishes the show placing higher than the no name with the better animal. As far as being a single parent and being limited on time, does that mean that everyone else that may not be in your situation should not attempt to help their respective child? I don't feel that because of someone's unfortunate situation that I should have my child suffer. If its someone I know I have no problem doing a little work to help but there's plenty of people in your boat and I can't do it for everyone.

I agree.  It's just an unfortunate situation with us being so new.  We know no-one.  Maybe we came from a strange county in North Tx then where show placement equated to bid amounts.  They basically mirrored the whole show and auction off a major.  I've never experienced such a degree of popularity.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
chambero said:
I thought you were some poor downtrodden single mom that depended on ag teachers/agents to do everything?  How do you have time/resources to recruit other kids to go along with you to prospect shows?

There is some dude somewhere thankful to be rid of you if this is your general attitude on life.

Hmm, you sound a lot like my ex husband.  Who is in jail for extortion at this very minute.  Jackpots are normally on weekends in Tx my friend.  And no, I don't expect jr ffa reps or 4h reps to do everything, but I do expect them to do their job and ensure these things are set up fairly.  After all, it is my tax dollars paying their salary.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
My comments are mostly if something is wrong and you are doing something about it great. Thats the way it should work. With no participation in the county show, maybe they will put you on the committee. Be prepared to be positive and be in charge and help others in spite of your load. Play the below loud. It's got great production.

Daryl Hall & John Oates - Crime Pays

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
green8911 said:
cebwtx said:
I guess the question I have is did you or your child get any buyers to contribute to your auction? It may not be the case with your situation but parents or students are clearly told up front you don't bring a buyer you don't get auction money. There is a clear seperation of show and auction. Show dictates who gets in the auction and the order you sell but that's it. So ours falls under similar situation your are talking about but there's no misleading. Yes if you have the name and connections you absolutely are going to be bid higher. To me it sounds like there was little problem with how they were placed. Most of the time around here when the complaining happens when the popular name finishes the show placing higher than the no name with the better animal. As far as being a single parent and being limited on time, does that mean that everyone else that may not be in your situation should not attempt to help their respective child? I don't feel that because of someone's unfortunate situation that I should have my child suffer. If its someone I know I have no problem doing a little work to help but there's plenty of people in your boat and I can't do it for everyone.

I agree.  It's just an unfortunate situation with us being so new.  We know no-one.   Maybe we came from a strange county in North Tx then where show placement equated to bid amounts.  They basically mirrored the whole show and auction off a major.  I've never experienced such a degree of popularity.

If you know no one how did you expect business who bid on an animal they have no idea if you patronize their services? In the short time prior to the sale did you patronize any local business? I guess I don't understand why popularity is so much rampid than maybe those kids spent a ton of money with those business people? I am just saying. If you are new then how do you know? :-\


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
Green - I know you think you are "fighting for your kid" and that is honorable. It really is. But please look closely at what you are doing. I have yet to read where the kid is actually upset. The kid might be upset because YOUR upset, but it doesn't sound like he was upset because of the sale results, at least not until you were.  You are ruining what could be an excellent experience for your kid.  It sounds like YOUR feelings were hurt and YOUR reputation took a hit and now your upset. Let me tell you this bluntly: You are ruining this for your kid. YOU. Not the kid. Not the businesses. Not the show ring. Not the community. YOU.  So now it is up to you to either change, or not.

Just remember - Where ever you go, there YOU are.

Final thought - If you meet one jerk, its their problem.
                      If you meet two jerks, its unfortunate.
                      If you meet three jerks, YOU'RE the jerk.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2008
9605 weston rd custar, ohio 43511
I have read most of the posts on this today, and I must say that you are learning the hard way how it feels to be a NOBODY, and lets face it you are exactly that.  Not a local, not a big farmer who can leverage bids by throwing his business around, not a long time local who everybody knows and loves, sorry but you are a nobody and until you really do your homework ahead of your fair and buy ALL of your feed, supplies, insurance, banking, fuel, groceries from a Local small business-NOT Wal-Mart etc. The results you got today is what you will get tommorrow.  My suggestion is to stop the whining, put on your big girl pants and get to work, you have 1 year to make some important local relationships-that is your job-Good luck

Kevin A

Oct 19, 2011
I think a lot of you and especially green are missing the point. Its not a popularity contest, THEY ARE SAYING THANK YOU FOR DOING BUISNESS WITH US.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
I can't believe some of the posts I have read on here. Some have came from people I have really respected on here. Even if you don't agree with green8911 you don't have to be so hateful!
This use to be a place where if someone had a question or problem they could come on here and get advice or ideas without being belittled or made fun of.
I don't know what to think now. (argue)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I have very little patience with someone who tries to roust support against something inherently good.  I apologize for getting a little out of line.

We had our county show this week and sale last night and we have our requisite 2 or 3 people raising cane today and spending more time griping on Facebook than they've ever spent volunteering, setting up, cleaning up, etc for the show.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
chambero said:
I have very little patience with someone who tries to roust support against something inherently good.  I apologize for getting a little out of line.

We had our county show this week and sale last night and we have our requisite 2 or 3 people raising cane today and spending more time griping on Facebook than they've ever spent volunteering, setting up, cleaning up, etc for the show.

"Supposed" to be inherently good. 


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Most the it is people who feel like they got cheated in the ring, sounds like you did not have a complaint against the judging just the sale price your child received, is that correct?
We run 200 hogs, 100 lambs, 40 beef, 20 goats and the small animal pens. I have seen the 155 hog go through the sale for more than the grand champion ( parents writing off some college tuition money) I have seen the average for steers run around 3 a pound and drop to 1.50 for a few head in the middle of the sale it happens.
If your son placed well and was either close to a breaking even or made a little money he should be happy and move on. In my day way back when we averaged $1.10, a $1.25 was awesome.  Heck I may have made $300.00 that year. If you are in it for the money I suggest your son get a job, if you break down the hours to dollars, 2 hours a day, 180 days, 1000 profit ,they make 2.77 an hour.
If they are in it for the love of animals, the learning experience, then I suggest you step back take a deep breath, and think about what you need to do next year to help your son with buyers.

corn n cows

Active member
Nov 4, 2012
Having a premium show is a blessing, not an entitlement.  I find it hard to believe that no one in Greene's county knows her or her son.  Every vet clinic, feed store,  livestock equipment vendor, truck dealer, and banker knows their customers - and they have bidders at the sale.  I am the auctioneer at the local premium auction.  Every year I have a local nationally franchised sandwich shop owner ask me "whose calf to bid on?"  As an auctioneer I love to hear those words because his bid will support exhibitors cattle that do not have a lot of bidding interest.  However the franchise owner wants his advertising dollars spent in an environment that benefits the community or the Beef business.  (yes the sandwich shop owner is an NCBA member since he sells a lot of beef)  So he & I go thru the exhibitor list  looking for cattle with less popular / younger exhibitors  to bid on.  He believes in rewarding good behavior  <rock> and supporting a family that will come to his shop for lunch.  He also openly discriminates against bad family behavior like; moms who b*^%ch a lot, dads who drink a lot, bankruptcy, siblings who have been in trouble with the law, exhibitors who may show cattle for the $ and not the experience, tattoos, piercings, low pants, flat bill hats, tobacco get the picture -  <cowboy> clean living pays.  I always interject staying away from the familys that try to sell cattle on craigs list instead of the local sale barn.  Greene is probaly more well know than she thinks in the county.

Santa Clausian economic theory & the idea of entitlement void of appreciation is rampant in America - but it gets folks elected.


Active member
Mar 17, 2012
You seem to be under the impression that just because your kid showed a calf someone owes them something...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
bunkscooper said:
You seem to be under the impression that just because your kid showed a calf someone owes them something...

Maybe we could start some promise zones.