Denver 13 bulls

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I just wanted to be #100, it is always interesting to read these discusions each year. I do wonder if there were no standouts since everyone is claiming that it was one of the better sets of bulls.
Hard to find a standout when they all look good, kind of like a county fair compared to a national, always easier to pick the winner at county.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
ROMAX said:
I find it interesting that some certain bull promoters didn't want there bulls videoed a cople of years ago,and now all of there bulls are being videoed!
I don't think that the videos show as much this year as previous like side profile, feet, etc.    JMO


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
I said that very same thing in an earlier post under denver videos. Remember last year when they pulled a couple videos off the website and edited them to the liking of the bull owners. Now all you get is a fading butt shot, a shoulder shot too close to do much good and then a quartering away fade. Why video the banner for 12 seconds in a 32 second video? I liked the videos Jeff put up in 07  and 08. May have been a little rougher, but they looked like they were taken by someone who knows how to evaluate livestock.

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
DakotaCow said:
I said that very same thing in an earlier post under denver videos. Remember last year when they pulled a couple videos off the website and edited them to the liking of the bull owners. Now all you get is a fading butt shot, a shoulder shot too close to do much good and then a quartering away fade. Why video the banner for 12 seconds in a 32 second video? I liked the videos Jeff put up in 07  and 08. May have been a little rougher, but they looked like they were taken by someone who knows how to evaluate livestock.

I'd have to agree.  Even before, when the filmed the banner they would zoom in and pan so you could actually read it.  this year I've seen videos that show the banner ( with glare), the rear and down the top line.  What can that tell you.  I really liked a certain bull until I saw a picture of him and saw his neck and shoulder.  I know some guys will say big buts and lots of hair will sell calves.  They won't.  And besides, lets get real.  Who sells these high dollar steers and bulls.  Not the breeders.  There are so many hands that touch one before that big final price that goes to a select few in the industry.  And back to the bulls, IMO it was an average but uniform set of bulls.  Everyone seems impressed but again I think it's because of bloodlines, owners and hype.  I know of several bulls I'd rather use that weren't even there...


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
well at least one video was of value and that's Eye Marvelous, that one actually shows the bull walking.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tipton, IA
Just got the official pic of the bull we sold back in the summer to Trausch Farms and Sievers Show Cattle.  Guilt Trip is a March born Eye Candy x Char. 


  • Guilt Trip official.jpg
    Guilt Trip official.jpg
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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
ROMAX said:
I find it interesting that some certain bull promoters didn't want there bulls videoed a cople of years ago,and now all of there bulls are being videoed!

I think everyone realizes that amount of pub that it generates.  This thread alone has reached over 10,000 views in just a short time.    Videos, Blogs, Forums, Social Media - capture the market immediately, instead of waiting for the same photo everyone has already seen to be printed in a magazine.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
kintore,ontario, canada
Diamond said:
well at least one video was of value and that's Eye Marvelous, that one actually shows the bull walking.
But maybe they shouldn't have!Not real fluid in his movement,and those back wheels are plenty straight.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
ROMAX said:
Diamond said:
well at least one video was of value and that's Eye Marvelous, that one actually shows the bull walking.
But maybe they shouldn't have!Not real fluid in his movement,and those back wheels are plenty straight.

I agree! he has absolutley NO flex behind, his pasterns are completely rigid


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Wade has an awesome video of BIM on his blog. Shows him walking and everything


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
renegadelivestock said:
ROMAX said:
Diamond said:
well at least one video was of value and that's Eye Marvelous, that one actually shows the bull walking.
But maybe they shouldn't have!Not real fluid in his movement,and those back wheels are plenty straight.

I agree! he has absolutley NO flex behind, his pasterns are completely rigid

I agree, while he cant move worth a dang at least his owners had the balls to show what the bull REALLY is, How many of the bulls on display do you think are truly sound? Sorry I'm not impressed by a video that zooms in on a bulls name or head...


New member
Jan 23, 2013
I agree st least they show the bull moving.  I think we deserve a true representation of what these bulls are before we pay hard earned for their semen.  We don't go and buy a vehicle without test driving it. I think if all you can show is your bull walking around in a pen with straw knee deep that should say something too.. Last year Lautner farms had videos of there bulls a person could watch.  There are videos of emerson bigguns and stick stay and the rest of haag's bulls online and I think everyone you'd call sound. If the other bulls move like these then I don't see whatnot would hurt .  Just my opinion that's all.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2010
I suggest that if you really want to know which bulls are the best save your money on the trip to Denver.  Go to the bull studs in April/ May after they have melted some of the FAT and FUR off of them you can watch them walk see them without the fitter pimping him the whole time you are looking at him. Then go to your fav magazine and see if you can match the bull to the ad.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
ranch4profit said:
I suggest that if you really want to know which bulls are the best save your money on the trip to Denver.  Go to the bull studs in April/ May after they have melted some of the FAT and FUR off of them you can watch them walk see them without the fitter pimping him the whole time you are looking at him. Then go to your fav magazine and see if you can match the bull to the ad.
Good advice

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
I concur.  Good advice.

I was fortunate to have someone send me pics of I-80, I-67 and Jessie James from the bull stud.  The bulls were in their natural state.  Pics we 3/4 fronts from above the fence.  These pictures spoke volumns.  You could see which bull still had a nice neck.  You could see which ones shoulders were smooth.  You could see which bull had a broad topline and thickness down through his stifle.  You could see the bull's feet all pointed forward.  I was glad that I had bred my heifer the way I did.  Looking forward to the calf this spring...oh, who did I breed to?


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
well cards, if you bred your heifer to one of those three and went off of the pics from the bull stud, I would be willing to bet you bred her to JJ. Because I think we looked at the same pics and I pray to God you didnt breed her to I-80, because the pic I saw from bull stud made me hate him 20 times more

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
DiamondCattleCo said:
well cards, if you bred your heifer to one of those three and went off of the pics from the bull stud, I would be willing to bet you bred her to JJ. Because I think we looked at the same pics and I pray to God you didnt breed her to I-80, because the pic I saw from bull stud made me hate him 20 times more

I was looking for calving ease and something that'd work for my program.  I decided before seeing the pictures.  I wasn't until this winter I saw the pictures...I'm Happy to say I bred her to JJ.  I know a ton of people will disagree with me.    (argue)